Taehyung's eyes suddenly shot wide, a slightly crazed look in them as he yanked you up from the floor and shoved you toward the awning. You caught the end of Namjoon's signal over your shoulder as you stumbled, crashing unceremoniously to your knees behind the dark wood. Peeking around the structure, you watched as Taehyung joined the war zone, deft fingers manoeuvring a handgun and reloading without a breath. 

Mr Park's men were in trouble, now. Their previously much larger group was cut by at least half, many men groaning and rolling in the blood saturating the field. Namjoon and the others suddenly didn't seem so outnumbered. And as you watched the way that these men, these men who had become family to you, moved and ducked and shot and dived, you breathed a sigh of relief. 

A smaller figure in black shot across the field, heading straight back for the house.

Thoughts sprung at you, without warning and out of nowhere as you came back to your senses, watching the figure disappear through the french doors.

Your Mother.



And before you could think twice about it, your feet were on the move. Running, yes, but not toward the tree line. 

Your footsteps were relentless as you tore off after your Mother. A few of Mr Park's men turned toward you in intrigue, but their attention was stolen by Taehyung roaring furiously. 

You didn't know if his shouting was at them, or at you. 

The french doors banged loudly against the wall as you shoved them open with all your weight pressing forward. There were a few staff in the foyer, quivering and holding one another behind side units and underneath decor tables. Their faces were both fearful and confused as they watched you, wedding dress and all, sprinting into the lobby.

"Where is she?" You shouted, to nobody in particular. "Where did she go?" 

"Upstairs, Y/n!" Daewoo's shout reached you from across the hall, where she and Eunhae peeked around from behind a large pillar. The older maid who had ushered them away earlier cowered behind the pillar opposite. 

You didn't miss a beat. 

"I'm coming back for you guys!" You shouted, breathing hard as your thigh muscles barked. You ascended the stairs with unnerving speed, surprising yourself. Adrenaline, you thought dryly, what an incredible thing.

You shot down the East wing, away from where you remembered your temporary bedroom had been and saw the same flash of black disappear behind a door far down the corridor. You advanced on your Mother with single-minded determination. In this moment, you had redacted to basic biology. But this time, she was the prey, and you the predator. 

The room she had run into appeared to be an office, and her gaze shot to you immediately as you stepped over the threshold.

"Y/n," she whispered. "What are you doing here?"

You panted for breath, staring at her with feral eyes. Your mind was blank.

What am I doing here

"What are you doing?" You half-said, half-shouted. You were panicking again. Your Mother watched you from across the room, skin pale but expression icy. "Where are you going?" Her lips curled into a sneer as she watched you move slowly toward her. You hoped she couldn't see the terror on your face as you tried to figure out what on earth you were doing. 

"You've ruined everything," she hissed, voice deadly low as it hung in the air between you. The gunshots were still coming from outside, the sound dulled by the building's thick walls, but they were fewer, now. Farther between. "Everything we have worked for. Ruined. By you."

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