"Good morning to you too Eve." Dee says.

"Is he gone?" Ben questions peering out into the rest of the room.

"Mhmm and he says to go to work quickly." I laugh knowing full well that he won't.

"Fat chance." Ben says. "I need to mentally prepare for tonight. Even my dad will be there. Allegedly." He says. A hint of disappointment covers his face and I know just by that, that his father won't show.

"You never know Ben, he might show." Dee says rubbing his arm. I get up so the two can take a seat.

"Will you give us a rundown of tonight?" I ask Ben slightly nervous. "Also where is your dog?" I say looking around.

"Pops!" Ben calls.

"Poppy come here baby." Dee calls as well. Their dog come tumbling out of the room almost tripping over her own feet. She has a bow on the collar and her nails are painted pink. She sits under Bens chair and tries jumping up. 

"So basically it's this big prestige event full of high donators and special guests with fat wallets. Lots of media coverage thanks to... us I guess." He says putting an arm around Dee. 

"Oh shit what time is it?" I ask remembering I have work soon. Dee quit some time ago because Ben insisted that no fiancé of his would work. He's basically living here now and pays her half of the rent. I still pickpocket every now and again. It's not that fun however without Darcy nor is work.

"Twelve?" Ben says checking his phone. Crap I'm late. 

"What time is the event?" I shout to the kitchen as I get dressed frantically in my uniform. 

"Jaye and I have a car that'll pick you girls up at 9:00pm." That's half an hour after my shift finishes so I'll have to basically run back. 

"Bye love birds. Keep it off the counter." I say running out of the apartment. I leave the room and shut the door but remember something. "Keep an eye on Eugene." I say and receive a thumbs up from them both as I leave. I run down the stairs thanks to that stupid lift. And when I'm out I see a tall man holding out a sign with my name on it. I walk up to him and he hands me a note.

Hey Eve, 

I bought this car for you because I knew you'd forget about your shift. It'll pick you up so your not late for the event. I also spoke to your manager and your allowed to go an hour early. (Fully paid so don't worry). See you tonight my love.

- Jaye.

Well then. Now at least I don't have to worry about being late. He's sweet when he wants to be. I shoot him a quick 'thank you' message and walk in to start my shift. The bar is quite busy today which is never fun. It felt like time was dragging along.

It reaches 7:31pm and I'm allowed to leave. The car driver Ethan is waiting for me. I gave him some money to go and get something to eat and I could see remnants of fast food. He smiles to me as I get in and we have a conversation about his life. I think he doesn't often get people asking about him so I hope this is a good moment for him. We get home and I thank him for toady and begin my climb up the stairs. I unlock the door once I arrive and I'm greeted by Dee playing with poppy on the floor. 

"Hey darlin, how was work? Wait you're back early. How'd you manage that?" She says sitting up against the coffee table.

"Work was long and Jaye managed to get me off an hour early." I say dumping my bag onto my bed. "What are you wearing today?" I ask leaning out of my room.

"That blue silk dress you have if you're not wearing it." She says giving treats to pops.

"Yeah that's all good. Do you want the matching shoes?" I ask.

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