A penny for your thoughts

Start from the beginning

Your mind couldn't stop replaying Loki's baby talk as you walked. You were so focussed on the thought of a family with Loki, it triggered a lost memory.

You heard Loki's voice replay a previous conversation in your mind, talking about filling the palace with his children, over taking Asgard with the many babies you'll have.

You smile hearing Loki's voice, but sad that you were not able to see the image of the memory. Yet, you were delighted that parts were coming back somehow.

Loki saw you were distracted, observing your eyes gaze ahead in a deep daze, concentrating on your thoughts.


You didn't hear his words, your thoughts now wondering whether it was even possible to conceive a child.

According to your Jotun history book, it was a difficult feat for Jotun's to conceive, a lot not able to bare children in their lifetime. And by Thor's earlier words it was also hard for Gods to conceive these days. The number of Royal Gods born were dwindling.

Queen Frigga herself confided in you, that it was a miracle that Thor was conceived, having tried for over a thousand years.

Were the realms Gods dying out you wonder.

"Sweetheart?" Loki repeated, giving your hand a gentle squeeze

"Hmm?" you say, raising your eyes to his

"A penny for your thoughts Darling"

You smile, but felt unsure if you should admit your thoughts, and start up a conversation. Maybe it was too soon to start such an important topic.

"Just thinking what type of dress I should wear, and what sort of dances are expected of me" you say, concealing the truth

Loki stopped and looked at you. "Well, that's strike one sweetheart. Lie to me again, and you'll earn another strike. Another strike means punishment"

You looked at Loki wide eyed. "I'm not ly.."

"Ah-ah-ah darling, be careful with your next word, strike two is very close"

You purse your lips tight. He clearly knew you were telling tales.

You rolled your eyes and sighed. Deciding to come clean.

"Whilst I am curious to know my dress and which dances are required of me. That was not what I was thinking"

"Well, I know that sweetheart. You can't hide the truth from the God of Lies, so go on...reveal your thoughts my love"

"I was replaying your earlier baby talk, in wonder about us having a family...Children"

Loki smiled, holding your hand tenderly. "Yet, I saw concern on your face while you were lost in a daze. There's more that you're not telling me Kitten"

You take a slow, yet deep inhale and breathe out.

"I've read that Jotun's have a difficult time conceiving, and should they conceive, the birth is rather arduous. Some not surviving the afflictions caused by the hardship of labour"

Loki suddenly looked at you gravely. "How do you know that?

"A book, it explains inhabitants of all the realms. My question is, when I was mortal, how exactly were we going to have a child, there was no way that I could conceive your child, yet we talked about it"

Loki looked at you nervously, he always prevented a pregnancy when he laid with you, unbeknownst to you. Although he knew it was near impossible for you to get pregnant, yet he didn't want to take that chance, no matter how slim it was.

𝐀𝐧 𝐔𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝕃𝕠𝕜𝕚'𝕤 𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖Where stories live. Discover now