No rash decisions

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Thor, who has been following Loki, is taken aback by your bloodied appearance as he charges in from behind.

"I knew you would come to her rescue Loki, so glad you brought Thor too," Munnin chuckled amused, "It saves me from finding him myself. Both he and her will go back to Odin with a clean memory. Such a shame she will not remember all the terribly things I've just done to her, though." Munnin pouted, trailing a single finger along your skin.

Loki snarls seeing him touch you, "You forget, my mind can't be erased like all others"

"Yes, but who is going to believe you? Odin?" He snorted smugly, "No, he will not believe your exaggerated story, not from the disappointing second son—the one who is prophesied to bring Asgard to ruin."

Munnin shoots a wicked grin towards Loki, while enjoying the feeling of your gentle squirms under the delicate trace of his finger.

"He didn't believe you all those years ago when I first started tormenting you and deep down you must know why?" He paused to watch Loki sink into himself, "It's because he doesn't care. You have been nothing but a burden to him."

"You think your words can hurt my feelings" Loki scoffed, "I've grown accustomed to the shunning. Which means I have only one option—I will just have to kill you."

"I find it amusing how you think you could," Munnin sneered, "you can't hurt me, Loki. Odin will kill you if you tried. I'm his protected raven, and I am more to him than you will ever be." he smirks with a smug sense of untouchability.

Loki glared at Munnin, and a fierce grin enveloped his face, "You forget, I welcome death. I am not afraid to die, so make no mistake, I won't just hurt you, I will cause you an agonising end before accepting my own fate."

"No Loki, you can't. I won't let you be hurt by Odin" you yell out in protest.

At at that moment, Huggin flew in and took position across from everyone else in the cave. His beady eyes scanned the area where you lie, your body a testament to the abuse you suffered at Munnin's hands. There was a split second when you thought you detected alarm in his demeanour, but your eyes were blurry and you couldn't trust what you saw.

"Odin is growing impatient, Munnin" he talks through gritted teeth, clearly angry that Munnin's torturous pit stop was taking too long.

"I don't care! The old fool can wait some more!" Munnin explodes in a fit of piqued rage.

Both Loki and Thor exchanged confused looks with one another, in disbelief that a raven of Odin could insult his master, and king.

"Hold your tongue, Munnin, do not forget who you speak of and where your loyalty lies" Huggin remarks, his anger rising.

The perplexed expressions on Loki and Thor's faces were enough to elicit a chuckle from Munnin. He deliberately chose to ignore his raven companions comments, and instead began to address both princes.

"Odin was once great, a king respected, feared. No one dare be on his bad side for fear of the harsh backlash. Go against Odin's beliefs and you'd risk losing your realm and title. He was powerful, yet, justly, truly a master worthy of a raven. But now, now he has gone too soft. Worried more about the political affairs and how his image is perceived by others—Where is the wars to correct the wrongs, the pillaging, the sickening screams as we cause carnage to the people who deserve it!" Munnin growls in frustration, "He has changed, preferring to fill the dungeons than simply putting an end to the worthless lives that don't deserve to breathe," he huffed, sickened by his own words, and began pacing back and forth in agitation.

"Times have changed, Munnin, there is peace amongst the realms, kings have evolved to using better tactics than to simply kill!" Thor yelled in protest of his father.

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