A penny for your thoughts

653 38 20

As soon as you got back to Asgard maids were already ready and waiting for your arrival.

You just about managed to walk a few steps after dismounting Loki's horse before a maid appeared next to you.

"Yes?" you query, eyeing her suspiciously

"I've been sent to retrieve you by orders of King Odin, you must come with me to attend a dress fitting" she says sternly

Before you could object, Loki had already took hold of your wrist gently pulling you away "do tell Odin to kindly shove his dress of choice in his empty eye socket" Loki sneered as he ascended the palace steps with you.

The maid watched gobsmacked as you both walked away. You giggled at her expression.

"She's not going to say that to him is she?" You asked curious

"She must, I'm a crowned prince. She must relay my words exactly how I said it or risk punishment"

You smirked darkly, knowing Odin was going to hear Loki's offending contort.

You walked down the hall unsure where Loki was heading, until he stopped abruptly, hearing your stomach growl.

"Oh I'm sorry darling. Breakfast! I didn't feed you!" he says saddened, remembering you were supposed to eat breakfast while watching the sunrise.

"That's okay Love, I blame Thor, not you" you smile jokingly.

"He's always interrupting us kitten, but that's no excuse. You must eat"

Loki quickly pulled you along the halls towards the kitchen. He barged in, uncaring that the staff stopped their work and stared at you both.

He pulled open the fridge and began taking out and piling up dishes of food on the counter.

"Take anything you desire sweetheart, let's fill your belly before we begin the dress fitting"

You eyed the food, your mouth salivating. The kitchen staff watched you intently as you ravish bite after bite. Your appetite seemingly insatiable.

Loki turned around to face you after emptying the fridge completely, he smiled in delighted surprise seeing your cheeks puffed out full of food.

His smile turned dirty, suddenly finding your greedy mouth arousing. His cock twitched as you chewed with a full mouth, swallowing large gulps of food and licking your lips.

You sat back, holding your lower belly fully satisfied.

"Ahh, that was nice" you say sated, your belly showing a little bulge from fullness.

Loki's eyes followed your hand, observing wolfishly as you rested it on your bloated bump.

To your horror Loki kneeled down, and kissed your protruding stomach.

"Loki!" you yelp, embarrassed

"What darling?.. I'm practicing. One day that food baby will be our real baby. You'll grow big and I'll kiss your bump every day"

The palace staff chuckled. To your surprise not from malice or disagreement, but from Loki's cuteness.

His eagerness to be a father showed by his actions, revealing his tender side, a side they didn't see that often.

You couldn't argue with Loki's words, he was too adorable, plus he did feed you, and food made you happy.

You stood up from your seat and took his hand, Loki guided you from the kitchen back into the halls, walking at a slower pace while you digested your food.

𝐀𝐧 𝐔𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝕃𝕠𝕜𝕚'𝕤 𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖Where stories live. Discover now