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So, I have a lot of thanks to give out.

  First, to Wattpad. If it were not for this, I would have never knew about the ninja turtles. Stronger would have never been dreamed up, Mikey would not have been my favorite character, and there would have been one less book about TMNT.

   Next, to Pinterest. I got loads of images from it which I used for this story. I also explored the characters more thanks to it, and I am super happy for it.

   And lastly, but most importantly, you guys! Thank you for reading the story till the end, those of you that finished it. This would have never been finished in fifteen days if it was not for you. Now I know my limits. Of course, I need to work more on the story, refine it up a bit, but I finished it. Like, an honest to goodness story and not a stretched out something that I may never finish. So, a huge thank you to you guys, you were what pushed me the most.

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