Chapter Twenty

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   "So, what exactly are you planning?" Mikey asked, jogging next to the identical-looking man who sounded different from Brief.

   "My men should know my voice," he started. "It would break up his army into two: my men verses him and any other 'Brief' he managed to capture. But I doubt we have time enough to go and look for them.

   He's right, Mikey thought with a grimace. "Does Brief have any outward weaknesses?"

   "The fact that he cannot go through his own portals is one." He suddenly turned into a sharp corner and Mikey had to think quickly. "But he is also a human, and humans are easy to take down. What you said, coat burning or something, that would work." He turned his head to look at me. "Are you the only mutant turtle capable of nunchucks?"

   "No," he said hurriedly. "I have brothers and they need my help. I am the only one who knows how to use nunchucks, though."

   "What are you guys, like ninjas?"
   Mikey narrowed his eyes at the man. "Why?"

   "Just asking. I have never seen something like you guys before, and it intrigues me."

   "I'm a mutant," he said dryly. "Never heard of them?"

   He shook his head. "Anyway, you guys are really helpful." He paused. "Where was Brief when you last saw him?"

   Mikey froze. "You mean we were running for no reason?"

   "I thought you would leader us."
   Muttering under his breath, Mikey turned and raced back out of the hallway with Not Brief on his heels. "I just hope he has not left yet."

   Running down, Mikey sped past the broken doors.

   "Wow," Not Brief huffed, "this battleust be serious if all the doors are broken."

   Mikey glanced at them. "Oh, no, I did all of that, looking for something important. That was how I found you."


   Mikey ignored him. The sounds of a battle still ringing on grew louder with every stap, and his stomach curled, hoping his brothers were still okay.

   He soon saw the open door to the battle and ran even faster, diving in. Giving a quick glance around, his heart sank when he saw all of his brothers tied up against the wall, glaring at the floor. The 'sounds if battle' was really from Brief's men clanging swords together. When they spotted him, they stopped.

   Brief's back was to him when he entered, but when the clanging stopped, he turned around with a smile. "So, the youngest desides to join again . . ." His smile faltered. His brothers all looked up, their eyes wide, but when they saw who was behind him, they started to strain against their bonds.

   "Look behind you!" Leo shouted to him. 

   Mikey heard the food steps behind stop and he asked, "Does he look familiar?"

   "Mikey, what are you doing?" Donnie asked.

   He finally looked at them, trying to control himself so he did not run over to them yet. His body shook with the effort.

   "You found Stance?" Brief laughed. "Wow. You must have been looking really hard for him. How did you know he was here?" He talked loudly, but his voice pinched at the end.

   Stance chuckled. "Long time no see. Good thing you kept me well off in there. Men!"

   The soldiers in the room glanced at each other before some broke away to stand around Stance.

   "Untie the turtles. They are ally's. Attack Brief and his men."

   The room was lined with a tence silence for a few moments. Mikey felt it and his muscles tightened, and he waited, like everybody else was, for something to happen.

   Somebody coughed and the room erupted into chaos. Mikey had to drive out of the way of Stance's men when they charged forward to fight the men they had just fought alongside. In the space of a second, everything had flipped.

   Mikey pushed through the bodies of sweaty people, trying to get to his brothers. Sharp blades made him pause, guns made him duck behind the nearest available obstacle, and Brief's men continued to pop up in front of him.


   He looked up and sighed with relief, throwing down thean In front of him before running over to his brothers.

   "Hey, guys. I will get you out in a second." He grabbed a nunchuck and ripped the handle off. The blade gleamed for a second before it was thrust at the ropes. "Are you guys okay?"

   "We are, but our weapons are demolished," Donnie grumbled.

   "Where is Donytoo and the rest of them?"

   "His brothers called him and he had to leave just before we were all tied up. I have no idea about what."

   Somebody gripped Mikey's shoulder and he stiffened before swinging his left arm to clock the person.

   Brief intersepted his action by grabbing his arm with his other hand.

   "What you did with Stance, that was very clever," he seethed with a smile. "But for naut."

   Mikey jerked his arm out of his grasp and stood up, clenching his fists. His breath came out in short gasps and he stared at the man with a heavy glare.  

   "Then fight me."


My apologies if this sucks. I am actually super excited that I have only two more chapters left. XD This is getting a hassle, especially since I want to practice animating right now. But, I had to go on with this.

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