The Breaking (Halo 5)

Start from the beginning

Y/N L/N: "Is that the last of 'em?"

Linda: "Affirmative. All clear."

The door at the room's end opens.

Linda: "Door's open, Six."

Y/N L/N: "Get in."

The Spartans enter the next room. An elevator platform forms as they approach.

Cortana ??? (COM): "Well done, Y/N. Warden would never admit it, but you've made an impression on him."

The Spartans assemble aboard the platform. The wall in front pulls away to reveal a floating structure in the centre of the dark sky. The platform begins floating up to take them to it.

Cortana ??? (COM): "It's so good to see you again, Y/N. So good to see all of you. Back together, as a family..."

Y/N L/N: "Psychological tactics. Saying my name. Playing nice."

Cortana ??? (COM): "What would you have me do?"

Y/N L/N: "Tell me the truth. How many people died when you called the Guardians here?"

Cortana ??? (COM): (shocked) "Excuse me?"

Y/N L/N: "You know, don't you. The exact body count."

The elevator reaches the top. As it does, the Warden's voice returns.

Warden: "Listen to his questions, Cortana. He will not be swayed."

Spawn gates appears ahead.

Catherine: "Let me guess. More hostiles inbound."

Linda: "We'll handle it."

Crawlers and Soldier Captains with splinter turrets attack the Spartans. Blue team quickly dived behind cover dodging the heavy fire from the turrets.

Warden: "Cortana argues for peace in the galaxy. Yet you humans answer her call with weapons fire."

Linda: "Promethean Soldiers in play."

Warden: "Tell me, Six. When you tear Cortana from the Domain and crush her in your gauntleted fist... will you feel remorse?! Will you even understand you have refused?!"

Linda equipped and threw a deployable cover which she ran quickly behind. She used her sniper to take care of the Soldier Captains. After that the rest of Blue team engaged the Crawlers. After a few moments the team was victorious.

Kelly: "Clear."

Thelya 'Vadumee: "Looks like the only way to go is up."

At the top floor, Soldier Captains and Focus Turrets attack the Spartans but with quick reflexes Y/N threw a grenade which took out the captains.

Kelly: "Cortana's letting this happen. She could rein Warden in if she wanted to."

Linda: "I'm thinking the same."

Master Chief: "How are we going to stop her, Six?"

Y/N L/N: "She'll listen to me."

Catherine: "No offence but that tactic hasn't worked so far."

The Spartans pass into the next room.

Warden: "Do you hear, Cortana?"

The Warden emerges out of a portal ahead.

Warden: "I am sorry. I will not allow them to get any closer to you."

The Warden's body suddenly glows and dissolves.

Cortana ??? (COM): "Warden, I'm tired of your antics! Stay down!"

Warden: "Noooo!"

The Warden is forced away, but many Prometheans remain.

Spartans never die (Male Reader x Halo Harem)Where stories live. Discover now