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Link woke up in the hospital bed surrounded by his two Patronuses and Dog-Sirius lying on the floor beside him. Lupin strangely sat on his other side, eyes on the dog, when he noticed Link coming to. The dog stood up as well but didn't move when Lupin growled at him in warning.

Link cleared his throat and managed to croak, "He's innocent,"

Lupin looked at him in surprise before asking while handing him a glass of water, "What makes you so sure?"

Link looked at the man and answered after finishing his glass, "Could have offed me in my state. Makes no sense to bring me back, no?"

Lupin looked less than happy before sighing, gesturing at his two Patronuses, "I see you managed it but how did it came in two?"

Link looked at the side table next to him and Lupin complies, opening the drawer and blinked, "You owned two wands?"

Link nodded, "They complement and complete each other," He then looked at Lupin, "Who else know?"

Lupin glared at Black and sighed, "Just me,"

Link nodded before asking, "Does anyone else know about the dog carrying me back?"

Lupin looked uncomfortable but in the end answered, "It was after curfew and only the patrolling staff saw you. That would be me and Minerva,"

Link quieted down and an uncomfortable silence enveloped the air in their vicinity. Lupin doesn't trust Black alone with Link and Black won't leave. The Patronuses seemed content hanging around and Lupin wondered how Link managed while unconscious. Such a spell should be beyond a Third Year normally and not many witches or wizards can cast true corporeal Patronus let alone two at the same time or keep them around while unconscious. Link is truly something else.

Link suddenly spoke, "Can you please call Headmaster Dumbledore? There is something I want to tell him," Before Lupin could reply, he added, "It's urgent,"

Lupin grimaced and glared Black before deciding to teach Link something new, "You can pass messages with your Patronus. Hear, let me demonstrate," He did just that, a wolf prowl out of his wand and Lupin looked highly uncomfortable as he informed the wolf to call for Headmaster Dumbledore. He could have used the fireplace in Pomfrey's office but he refused to leave Link with Black.

Link hummed, "Interesting,"

It didn't take long for Dumbledore to show up and the Headmaster looked at the odd sight before him. He especially took interest on the giant bird Patronus, "I have seen a shoebill stork but I certainly have never seen one quite this large," He then smiled at Link, "It seems you have a penchant for overgrown birds,"

Link would have scratched the back of his head but both his arms are broken and in casts. He asked the Headmaster, "Headmaster, can I ask you to prevent people and other creatures from hearing what I'm about to reveal to you?"

Dumbledore stared at him for a moment, his twinkling gaze focused before he raised his knobby wand and cast a powerful privacy charm. He conjured a familiar plushy chair and sat down, "It seems rather secretive, Link,"

Link smiled, "Sirius Black was going to sacrifice himself to the Dementors just to save me," His revelation shock them and Dumbledore's interest turned serious, "What were you doing today to be exposed to the Dementors?"

Link shifted painfully before looking at his lap in an obvious shame, "I...I was frustrated by something that I recently learned about myself," He bit his lip, bracing himself and looked up, "I realized that I am an unhappy person. I tried to cast the Patronus Charm using so many different emotions that could even slightly make me happy; my friends, the daily things that brings happiness like a great job done or even good food, I even use memories of my parents though I barely recall," He scoffed bitterly, "There is nothing in this world that can bring me the happiness that could power the Patronus Charm," He breathed deep after the confession but everyone can tell that there's more.

He sighed after a moment, "Because I'm broken. I realize now that the reason I am born with all these scars is because deep inside, something in me has long been broken. I don't know why or how but...I have always had this sense of failure in me. That I failed in fulfilling something so precious and sacred to me. Every day, for as long as I can remember I am restless. If I don't run myself to the ground physically then I cannot sleep, I cannot rest,"

He then looked at the two Patronuses he cast, "So I did what I always do, I try to outrun my mind. Somehow instinctually I knew that I mustn't think too much or I'll break. That's how Sirius found me. He kept up with me but then I run afoul the Dementors and he tried to get my attention but I was too deep I didn't notice until they were almost unto me," He looked at the two teachers, "That's when Sirius jumped out to sacrifice himself so that I may live and I realize that if there is anything that will truly break me then it would be to have someone else die for me,"

Link looked at the dog, "I don't think Sirius is guilty. I don't know what happened but Dementors brings out the truth from you and someone who sold their family in cold blood would never be haunted by guilt the way he did nor will they sacrifice themselves for the very reason they sold their family,"

The dog morphed into Sirius Black and he was ready to be taken down...

But neither wizards moved, only stare at him. Link added, "I know murderers, I know madmen. Sirius is unhinged by his constant exposure to Dementors but he is sane. Something pure kept him sane in that dark place and something in Hogwarts moved him from where he thought he deserved to be," Link looked at his teachers, "Give him a chance to explain himself, please," Link bowed his head along with his plea.

Sirius nodded, "I'll take the Veritaserum if you want!"

Lupin finally moved, "Then why did you kill Peter?"

Sirius face darkened, "I didn't! And that is also the reason why I'm here!" He looked at Lupin, "I'm sure you'll see what I meant if you use the Map,"

Link blinked, "What map?"

Dumbledore smiled, "Yes, Sirius, what map?"

Lupin sighed, "It was a map, special map that we...James, Sirius, Peter and I made back when we were students. It can show where everyone is in real time,"

Link blinked, "You made something so useful? And here I thought I have to make that from scratch," When they turn their attention to him, Link shrugged, or tried to but was in too much pain to actually do it, "I have been wanting a map since First Year. Hogwarts is an interesting structure, almost like dungeon in design and very lively too. So I thought a map would be really handy but then Ron said something about having one that shows you where everyone is so we can find the Headmaster easier due to that thing with Quirrel so...yeah..." He trailed when he noticed their interest at his off tangent topic.

Dumbledore nodded, "So that is the secret behind your many successful venture in Hogwarts," He smiled at the two men before adding, "And where is, now?"

Lupin sighed, "I don't know," He looked at Sirius who also shrugged.

Link hummed, "Can't you summon it? I've seen seniors practice that spell,"

Dumbledore smiled, "Very well," He raised his wand before stopping, "Pray tell, does this map have an official name or...?"

Lupin shared a look with Sirius before both announced the name;

""It's the Marauder Map,""

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