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Madam Pomfrey would never admit it but she had screamed when she saw Snape carrying Potter through the infirmary's doors on his back, with the Longbottom heir and both missing Weasleys behind him, with blood dripping all over her floor. When Snape had rushed in to hand her the Anti-Petrification Potions, she had wondered why he looked like a man on a mission. He had left before she could say anything.

Quickly returning to her professional self, she enquired, "What happened?!"

Severus was pale as he laid Potter on the familiar bed, one he had used just last year, "Basilisk venom,"

Poppy stumbled in her casting, "What venom?!"

But Severus ignored her lapse of professionalism and added, "It has been nullified by Fawkes's tears but he had lost too much blood," He started listing possible injuries and Poppy decided to just do her work before further questioning.

She noted the holes on Potter's back as well as the new circular scarring as she cleaned and changed him into infirmary's issued gown. Once her job was done, she closed the curtain around Potter and turned her glare on Severus. Severus simply turns to the boys and girl on his side, all three looking equally worried and perhaps a little guilty.

When Link finally opened his eyes, he found Dumbledore sitting at the side once again. Albus looked up from the book he was reading and smiled, the tension around his eyes easing, "Why, good morning Mr. Potter,"

Link gestured for water and upon receiving, gestured thanks. Albus smiled, "I wonder, Link, where you learned sign language,"

Link froze and looked at him. Albus noted that he appear highly uncomfortable by the question and decided to change the subject, "A house elf named Dobby came to me last night and told me, with much punishment on his poor hands, the plans of Lucius Malfoy to bring Hogwarts under his control. He also brought much evidence before once again trying to bludgeon his head with my poor lamp in an attempt to punish himself for dishonoring his Master,"

Link frowned at the idea of Dobby hurting himself and Albus told him, "So when Lucius decided to confront me for failing his immaculate planning, I tricked him into releasing poor Dobby. I have never, in my rather long life, seen a house elf so liberate in thinking and thought that it would be sad thing to lose him to Lucius's temper,"

Link finally relaxed; glad that Dobby had found someone who can help him. He then asks once he felt his throat up for it, "Hagrid?"

Albus chuckled, "Why, upon my reinstatement to my position as the Headmaster of Hogwarts and the awaken victims' testament, Hagrid has been proven innocent of suspicions on all account. Both then and now," He then peered at Link over his half-moon glasses perching on his crooked nose, "Now that you have been informed the result of you hard work, may I know your side of the story?"

As he left the infirmary to allow Link to rest from his healing coma, Albus found himself impressed. Severus had provided him the memory of Link's valiant action and sacrifice through the Pensieve. Even for a Gryffindor, he stands above and in his own class. But the fact that he has the wisdom to ask those that not even Albus would think to ask if not for his long time tenure at Hogwarts and the ability to carry out his assault despite the tremendous difference in abilities surprises him.

Right now, all that Link lacked is power but it doesn't seem like he will go out of his way to seek it simply to own it...

He understood now why Link managed such a long hat stall. Also, from what he learned from the Hat, Link was aiming for Hufflepuff; the most humble in term of fame among the four Houses of Hogwarts. Even Albus, for his vice in priding himself for his wisdom and courage as well as power, could not imagine letting it all go for the sake of simple hard work and loyalty.

Link has the wisdom to seek the humblest of treasure over the glories of rank...

When Link finally rejoins society, he found all three of his closest friends crowding him. Hermione cried for his forgiveness, blaming her stupidity in thinking that she'll be safe simply because she won't be alone. Ron and Neville scolded him for going at the basilisk with a sword the size of a toothpick in comparison the pillar like fangs of the serpent.

The rest of the school year was a blur to Link. Life returned to normal as class resumed and exams rained down on the students like a sudden avalanche of questionnaires. Also, Lockhart was apprehended for trying to steal his credit. It happened when Link was still under a healing coma and Lockhart had tried to steal his memories of the event. It turned out that his friends have been suspicious of the man when he questioned them relentlessly on their 'exploits' in the now closed Chamber of Secret.

He seemed to try to corner each of them alone in separate occasion but after the whole fiasco of Hermione's petrification, the trio had stick together ever closer. So they decided to tail after him when he suddenly stopped.

Remarkably, Severus was the one guarding Link for the evening just in case. Not to mention Link's condition made for an interesting study. After all, no one has ever survived being bitten by a basilisk considering its rarity even in the wild. Even more, when Scamander's theory that a phoenix tears being the only antidote to its venom being proven true in practice.

Severus has been less than happy to see the foolish wizard hovering over Potter's unconscious form with his wand suspiciously out. Needless to say, Lockhart had been questioned harshly for his motive and unceremoniously seized by the less than amused Potion Master.

Link doesn't know what to make of the man. On one hand, it seemed that Snape sees Link as the bane of his existence regardless of his passable work in his class. On the other, Link sensed no malice from the man whenever their eyes met. If anything, there's a sense of...loss.

But Link doesn't know what to feel about being seen as an interesting specimen by the Potion Master...

'Try it, Link!'

At least Snape never asked Link to lick a frog for science...

With these unremarkable events passing, Hermione's cheers that exams wasn't cancelled due to the threat to Hogwarts having passed safely, Ron's victory at Quidditch and Neville somehow gaining a snake he named Simon as a new familiar since Trevor had been successful in its escape during the whole Chamber fiasco, Link's Second Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came to a close...

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