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Hermione exploded in frustration one evening, "I need an actual class for Defense!"

Link has always pegged her for a schemer and he was finally proven true when she came up to the boys complete with planning to start a study club. But he didn't expect that Umbridge will bring out the nastier side of Hermione. Even with all the trouble by proxy that Link caused the woman, she still managed to keep her class as useless as it started at the beginning of term. She had even used the ever growing authority the Minister gave her to interrupt other teacher's classes.

Hermione decided to start a rebellion...

Link has never been more horrified and more amused in his life...

In the end she convinced him to tutor them and dragged him to the Hog's Head Inn during the annual Hogsmeade trip to kick start the whole thing for real. Now he stood in front of a number of students who had been informed about their scandalous club in the dingy pub owned by someone who suspiciously look like Dumbledore.

He looked around the pub with discerning eyes, picking out shady characters and sighed, pulling Hermione aside. She looked at him in confusion, "What is it?"

He asked her in a whisper, "Can you put up sight distorting barrier and noise cancelling barrier around us before you start?"

She blinked before whispering, "Did you notice something?"

He mumbled, "Better safe than sorry. This place doesn't feel secure enough for this sort of meeting,"

She sighed, gathered the students and did just that. Ernie McMillan tried to question Link about Voldemort but his friends quickly put that to rest. Fred and George threateningly took out a long needle that even Link didn't want anywhere near him, suggesting that they would put it through his ears. It took a little back and forth but they finally decided to start up the group study under Link that even the pompous Ernie voted as leader. Hermione would rather be a manager for their scandalous club than a leader.

It took Link a while but he finally found the best place to hold their meeting, especially when Umbridge put up a new rule on suspicious meeting between students especially in groups. Hermione had gone pale when she saw the rule but her eyes remained hard with determination. Link sighed on the side as he looked at the Room of Requirement, making sure that all the things he needed for his 'class' will be there. He snorted at the assortment of weaponry, "I doubted any of them knew how to use these,"

He will teach them how to really move their bodies, just like he did with his friends during summer...

When the first 'class' started, they debated on the name. Link jokingly suggested, "Knights of Hogwarts,"

Ginny asked, "Why not Dumbledore's Army? Isn't that what the Ministry fear the most right now?"

Link shook his head, "We'll just confirm their lies as truth if we do that,"

Justin frowned, "You made it sound like we'll get caught,"

Link looked at the 'students', catching their eyes as he grimly state, "Always prepare for that possibility. Things like this seldom stayed secret...hmm...Sheikah sounds nice too..." At their questioning look, he awkwardly tried to explain, "Well...I mean...I knew-I read somewhere about this clan of shadow warriors that defended justice even when their own government turned against them so since we are betrayed by our government due to their greed and foolish behavior, I thought this would be a great name to use,"

Ron frowned, "Link...your nose is bleeding,"

Link blinked and looked to the side to see a hanky just in reach for him to use. He grabbed that and snorted out the blood, "Sorry about that,"

He managed to wave off their worries as he prepared for the rest of their session together. He pointed out that moving their body is crucial in any situation. Some were skeptical until he had Hermione, Neville and the Weasley siblings run through the course as he sent out stinging hexes at them. They managed to raise their shield for some but for speed opted to just avoid. By the time they reached the end, Link smiled, "See? The Killing Curse can't kill you if you can just jump out of the way. I noticed while researching on spells that our spells tended to move in a linear and direct way, making dodging them easy as long as you keep your eye on the direction that the wand pointed. Wide area effect spells used longer incantation and give us just as ample time to build a quick fort using whatever materials we can pull from around us..."

Susan nodded, "My Aunt said that the Aurors used the same strategy during an actual fight with Dark Wizards and Witches," At their confused look, she sighed, "My Aunt is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement,"

They oohed and aahed at her revelation. Now properly convinced, they followed Link as he introduced them to a 'light' warm up. By the end of their session, many grumbled about muscle pains waiting for them later in the day and tomorrow. For the next few weeks, it was a dance between them and Umbridge. Link knew better than to keep their secret club truly secret so he sought out the one witch that would appreciate such a thing; Minerva McGonagall.

At first his friends were against him telling an adult but Link huffed, "She's an Order member and she knew well how important our Ordinary Wizarding Level is to us. Not to mention I know as well as you that all the professors enjoy watching Umbridge struggle,"

When she was told, Minerva was unhappy about it but decided to be their supervising Professor. She has seen how Link trained his friends and was happy with their result. So now the Sheikah Club is an officially unofficial club in Hogwarts. She attended one session under an invisibility cloak, making sure that Link has it all in control.

She was impressed.

In fact she was amused when the Twin called Link as Captain Link which the rest of the club members happily followed. Then again Link's nickname amongst the student population was Sir Link of Hogwarts. He's leaving quite the legend behind and in the most opposite of his father and friends. James Potter was a Marauder; a raider and troublemaker extraordinaire. Harry "Link" Potter was the opposite; a noble Knight through and through as many of the students would gossip.

She thought the way he drilled them was very military-esque.

She also approved of his naming sensibility. When she heard that they almost name it Dumbledore's Army, she was amused by the idea but also glad it was rejected by Link because then should Umbridge catch him and his friends they will be in greater trouble with the Ministry. Link was almost caught in a detention with her but Minerva managed to question her authority and sensibility. Amusingly she used the parents view on her reason for detaining him as a buffer.

Usually she wouldn't but as Link had pointed out rather loudly in a hallway; they are students and the Minister are all about approval from their parents. Unless they are completely isolated from their parents until graduation, he doubted that the Ministry can do much about what news reach them. Basically he gave an out to the harassed students from being oppressed too much by Umbridge. As long as they're minors, their parents will be their greatest shield against her. Not to mention even if he didn't have any he is still the ward of Sirius Black.

Sirius is also a strong contender against Fudge's propaganda. Due to what happened with him, not many people supported the Ministry. He was living proof of their incompetency. Touching Link is equal to touching Lord Black's reverse scale. It was remarkable how that one random word from Link managed to save as many students from Umbridge as possible.

She didn't know this but Umbridge couldn't use her favorite method with most of the students. If their parents saw the scars she would have left behind, the Ministry would have fired her. It was one of the reasons why she hated Link so much; he knew how to play his political cards against hers.

The boy has no teenage pride!

Link of HogwartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora