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Garrick Ollivander, wand master, stared at his newest customer with wide silvery gaze. Ollivander stared at the new customer, wearing a large hat over messy blond locks that reminded him ocean shores under the summer sun, testing the new wand he had handed him.

His face reminded Ollivander of Lily Potter nee Evans. But the way the jaw jutted just so reminded him of James Potter. Sure he does not look like anything that the public claimed for him to look like. The description of the young child has always been that he looked like his father with his mother's eyes. But standing before him, Harry Potter has the recessive gene of his great-great-grandmother with Veela bloodline somewhere in her ancestor. Not many know that the Potter have a blond maternal ancestor due to the strength of the paternal gene being so strong in their black hair. It was because of this little known fact that the public immediately assumed for young Harry to have messy black hair instead of the sandy blond locks the color of hay. The only reason they assumed him to inherit his mother's eyes would be the fact that most Potters have their maternal side's eyes.

So he had expected for the child to be surprised that he recognized him with a single glance. Ollivander chuckled, "I remember every single wand I sold, Mr. Potter, that and their recipient. It's not that hard to see your connection to your parents. Or perhaps my eyes are easier to seek out similarities than most," His eyes then flicked at the barely hidden scar behind blond locks, "Although I supposed many will recognize you more for the scar than your appearance. You coloring are indeed rare for the paternal strong Potter gene. But fear not, I happen to recall a great-great-grandmother of yours who have Veela gene in her and that can easily explain the blond hair,"

Link smiled, that quiet discontent about his appearance not being anything that he heard a proper Potter should look like disappearing with the explanation. What was it called, recessive gene surfacing in later generation? He then introduced himself properly, "My name's Harry, but I prefer to be referred to as Link,"

Ollivander nodded, "Alright, Mr. Potter, you're not the first person to prefer a name other than his birth given," He then went to business, "Now which one is your wand arm?"

Link stiffened, thinking about the question. He happened to instinctually use his left but the Dursley hate any sign of strangeness even if it's just difference in prominent hand so he had trained to always use his right. However, this was not a time to lie. At least he doesn't think so. So he sheepishly answered, "I'm not sure, sir,"

Ollivander beamed, "A rare one! Ambidextrous eh?! No worry, no worry! We'll just measure both!" Link watched as he extended both hand to Ollivander and the measuring tape he have been using began to measure both arms. The man then walked to the back if the store; picking out random boxes and pushing them back in before moving on. His hand splayed over the boxes, seeking, searching for the particular magical wave that would match the young Potter heir.

Meanwhile, Link stood still as a statue as the measuring tape began to measure the width between his nostrils with quiet interest. Ollivander finally returned and handed him a wand, "11", mahogany with dragon heartstring core, pliable,"

Link took the wand offered and stared dumbly back. Ollivander scoffed, "Well, what are you waiting for? Make a swish!"

Startled by the sudden scolding tone from the man, Link did just that. A cupboard of boxes in the back exploded, throwing the boxes into the air and making a mess. Shocked by the unexpected reaction, Link placed the wand gingerly onto the counter as quickly as he can. But instead of more scolding, Ollivander giggled unnervingly and began to hand him a different wand, "10 ¾", willow with phoenix feather core, swishy,"

A crystal vase shattered. Link placed that wand next to the other wand just as gingerly. Ollivander began to skip as he began to hand wand after wand. Cypress with unicorn hair, ash with kneazle whisker, blackthorn with thunderbird tail feather, and so on and so forth. At one point, Ollivander stopped and whispered to himself, "Perhaps..."

He placed a wand in Link's hand, "11", holly with phoenix feather..."

Link frowned minutely before giving the wand a swish and sparks of gold burst at the tip but at the same time, something does not feel quite right. Ollivander noticed this as well, "Curious, very curious," He turned around to the back and Link waited, wondering about the man's whisper and the wand's odd reaction. He then returned, "Well, we have found one wand for you but your other wand still need finding,"

Link blinked, "Another, sir?"

Ollivander smiled, "You are the rare dual wielder, which is why this wand only reacted halfheartedly. Now, to seek out the other!"

So Link tried more wands, none of them feeling complete with the one in his right hand. So he tried on the vine wand, the hornbeam, the fir, and so on and so forth. Dragon heartstring, phoenix feather, troll whisker, Veela hair strain, unicorn hair, but none resonate with the holly and phoenix feather core in his hand.

Finally he was given the aspen wood with unicorn hair, and the reaction was instantaneous. The phoenix sang from his right, the memory of a large crimson bird soaring high in the wide sky came to mind with the wind rustling through his hair. The unicorn whinnied from his left, the feel of a horse with chestnut coat and winter white mane galloping across the wide expanse of endless green rushed through his body. Both greeted him like long lost friends of an ancient memory.

Ollivander have never seen a wand reacting the way they did. The sky and the earth seemed to sing in the store as he though he saw wings growing behind the young wizard's back as nature seemed to grow from where he stood.

When Link opened his eyes, the magic disappeared and Ollivander smiled, "I am honored to be the wand maker of your wands,"

As the elation completion settled like campfire in his belly in the depth of lonely night, Link asked, "You mention my right wand being curious. What do you mean?"

Instantly, Ollivander lost all color to his face as he stared at holly wand, "13 ½", yew with phoenix is curious for me because the feather core of your holly wand came from the same phoenix who gave me the feather for the core of the yew wand...and that make it the brother of the wand that chose you. The brother of the wand who gave you those scar on your forehead..."

He shivered, "Had I known what that wand will go on and commit out there in the world..."

Link looked at his holly wand, a creeping sensation of twisted familiarity settled over him. It was like he had been there before; being tied in some way somehow to a great evil that's the core of all his misery and regret. As he left the store more subdued than elated, he made a promise to hone his ability with both wands so that he will never regret ever again.

Ollivander head go on and told him a little of wand lore regarding the temper of his wands. His right wand; made of holly, traditionally protective and often time choose owners who often find themselves engaged in dangerous or spiritual journey. It felt familiar to Link, the description of danger, quest and spiritual journey. In a way, it matches him perfectly. That the phoenix feather core tended to be in conflict with the wood also worked for him due to its independence and detachment also ring true for him. Ollivander felt sorry for anyone that chose to stand against Link.

He also explained about the left wand; made of aspen, a wood most suited for martial artist, warrior and duelist. A wand that's attracted to those with a strong mind and will power, often seeking for a new quest or orders. Combined with the loyal temperament of the unicorn hair, regardless of the weaker core when compared to likes of dragon heartstring and phoenix feather, determination can just as likely make it the strongest. A wand that's most suitable to likes of a knight.

Somehow both wands suited Link, something in him sang in agreement with both wands. Ollivander told Link that both wands require one thing to truly shine in his hand; courage.

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