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Fred and George both stared at him with great envy when the Weasley finally found him right outside the entrance to Knockturn Alley. Link won't regal them with tales of the seedier area of Diagon Alley so he ignored all attempt to make him talk about the place. After almost being smothered to asphyxiation by Molly, Link was introduced to the Grangers.

Jacqueline Granger looked at the boy whom her daughter swore rescued her life with great interest. She also heard about his supposed abuse but Link didn't show any signs that would point to an abusive home life. But her husband Chris Granger knew that most abused children are great at hiding the truth of their home so he kept a close eye on the boy. So far, Link had proven to be a good influence on their precious daughter but only if he continued to stay away from the wrong crowd.

Link on the other hand seemed to take their not so subtle staring with practiced ease. He had enough practice with other Muggleborn at Hogwarts staring at his ears with great interest, so he didn't mind them at all. In the same way he knew things he knows he really shouldn't, Link knew that as long as they only stare and do nothing, all will be fine. That staring was the lesser evil.

Link lurked at the back of Flourish and Blotts where he browsed the shelves for interesting subjects while the Weasleys and Hermione lined up to have their books signed by the visiting author. He knew that he will be taking the Study of Ancient Rune class as part of his elective next year but that meant he needed to make up his mind for the second elective. Ron had tried talking him into taking the Divination class with him but when Link straight up told him that without the inert talent for casual clairvoyance, he will be wasting his time in that class.

So Ron put down the idea for last.

So currently Link browsed for any introductory text on Ancient Rune when he heard trouble with his sharp ears. Closing the tome in his hands, he turned the corner and found Arthur facing off against Lucius. Before things escalated however, the two men managed to pull away from the other and Lucius curiously patted Ginny's shoulder that he had bumped into during the commotion. He even picked up her fallen book and placed it in her cauldron shaped basket.

Instinct told Link that all is not as it seemed but his eyes and mind could not pinpoint the problem exactly. Lucius caught him staring and straightened himself, "Well now. If it is not Mr. Potter?"

Link kept his face neutral as bowed slightly in practiced recognition; neither accommodating nor hostile, "Greeting Mr. Malfoy,"

Lucius was taken aback by the rather noble-like etiquette shown by the boy, "It seemed someone has been raised with actual manner," His silver gaze glinted with curiosity as he stared at the garish glasses looking back at him, the light from the window obscuring the full view of the strange boy's eyes. And the fact that he couldn't read the boy sent troubled shivers down his spine.

He hid his uncomfortable reaction well and spoke some dismissive greeting to Potter, trying to elicit some reaction from the silent boy. But the boy's silence stayed firm. Knowing that he will be making a fool of himself if he pressed any further, Lucius excused himself and Draco from their company.

Hermione was seething and Ron's face looked like its warring with his hair for the color red by the end of it all. She turned to Link and found him neutral, "How can you stand him saying all that to you?"

Link shrugged, "Because I won't let him have his satisfaction by reacting,"

Hermione seemed to deflate, "You know that he was trying to make you mad and that's why you didn't say anything?"

Ron seemed to have drained his skin of access red as he pondered, "You make his words backfired,"

Link shrugged and turned back to browse the shelves as he waited for the Weasleys to finish their shopping. Hermione shared a look with Ron before both felt stupid for getting mad at all. Malfoy Sr. was playing them like a fiddle and Link simply do what Link does best whenever someone tried to make him mad; brush it off.

Ron mumbled, "I really should ask him how he does it,"

Hermione looked at him, "Do what?"

"Not getting mad all the time," He then shivered, "I mean, imagine Link with a temper,"

Hermione recalled the few times Link almost lost his temper and shivered. She has seen him when he's annoyed with someone. He glared at the person and it was enough to quiet them down. The way he control himself and his surrounding was a marvel that it left her head spinning at it all. In fact, among their friends, Link being disappointed in them was a lot worse than him being angry because Link just doesn't get angry.

At least, he doesn't get angry for himself. Link can shrug off the worse of insults like cat shrug off water; it just doesn't stick. Considering that unless it's a downpour or an actual bath, cat's fur are waterproof, which was saying something.

But that doesn't mean that they have never seen him mad. They had seen him mad but only when they were in danger. When Link's mad, he roared it out and the weight of his anger differs to those who experience it. The glint of his eyes change from friendly to fierce, almost wild and uncontainable. The small moments when he directed that gaze on them when they managed to get on his temper, they feel the fear of a prey.

No, Link's friends are glad he's not easily mad...

On the day of departure, the Weasleys and Link almost didn't make it to the Platform on time. Now, in another reality, if Gaepora didn't catch Dobby, Link would probably be separated and stranded. However, because Link had shown Dobby that he's not one to run from danger (unless it was a tactical retreat) the enchanted entrance to the Platform didn't close on him and he managed to get himself onto the train just before the train blew its final whistle.

Hermione and Neville had saved a compartment for them as the friends regrouped together once more. Neville then opened the main discussion that has been lingering in their heads, "What happened with the house elf?"

Link watched them watch him and he sighed, "He was hoping to stop me from getting caught up with whatever danger will be at Hogwarts this year. I wrote to the Headmaster after that, because he's in charge of the school's security and all. Don't want another case like last year's Troll,"

Hermione asked, "What did he say?"

Link pulled out a beginner book for runes as he answered, "He thanked me for giving him a head's up and told me to keep an eye out for that house elf since Dobby seemed determined to keep me safe,"

Hermione stared at the book in his hands, "So you've decided on Runes as your elective next year?"

Link simply nodded and Hermione started informing her friend how she decided to take up all the electives next year, her ambition sparkling in her eyes. Link frowned, "Hermione, that doesn't make any sense,"

Ron nodded, "Yeah, when are you going to get some sleep...or eat...or go to the toilet?"

Neville mumbled, "I'm pretty sure some of the electives take up the same time on the schedule. It'll clash,"

She brushed off their concern, "I'm sure I can make do!"

Link wondered if this was how one felt when watching a particularly ambitious Cuckoo trying to swallow bigger prey than itself; part hilarious and part horrified. He can already envision Hermione's future; bedraggled and half crazed by all the work that fall on her lap, grumbling about idiots and her need for a strong cup of coffee.

Blinking, Link pulled himself out of the state his mind had traipsed down. It felt horrifyingly familiar.

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