Escape and Liberation

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Cuphead and Mugman tried to force themselves out of General Kettle's grip. The execution room was one door away. They knew that one of them could survive, and that was better than nothing. But when Cuphead recognized a tiny ceramic unicorn, he had faith restored.

The doors all around them slammed shut, and through a peep-hole, came Mortimer Freeze flying up to the doors height. "Whats the password?" He shut the peep-hole. "What?" Kettle was confused, and definitely angry. "Nope!" Mortimer chuckled. "Open this door!" Kettle ordered. "Not even close." Mortimer scoffed.

"Ya got three seconds!" Kettle announced. "One.." A guard blocking another door was knocked out and taken to another room. "Two.." The same happened on the other side of the room. "Three.." Kettle turned around to see the Two Boys alone and unrestrained. Cuphead and Mugman signaled behind the General, and Ribby and Croaks hit him with a frying pan on the head.

"Frying Pans! Who knew, right Mugsy?" Cuphead chuckled, and Mugman rolled his eyes. And then, guards came rushing in, and Cuphead and Mugman took off, running with Beppi the clown/mime stopping them. He basically did some wannabe mime stuff, untill he gave up. "Look beside you." Beppi pointed, nonchalantly. And Ribby and Croaks came charging at the guards once again.

Now outside the Castle, Cuphead and Mugman were surrounded by Soliders. Porkrind put them on some kind of scale. "Head down." Porkrind instructed. "Head down." The Cup and Mug repeated. "Arms in." Porkrind put his arms in. "Arms in." Cuphead and Mugman copied. "Knees apart." Porkrind ordered. "Knees apar-." Cuphead and Mugman went flying off the scale, and onto the horse with the Pink Mane.

"Knight! You brought them here?" Mugman asked. Knight gave them a confident look. "Thank you.." Cuphead started. The horse neighed in response. "No, really. Thank you. Maybe we this whole time we got off on the wrong foot-." Cuphead saw the "Are you kidding me right now?" face from Knight, and Mugman had a face palm.

"Alright let's just head out." Mugman interjected. By now, the horse was speeding off on top of the Castle's roof. "Uh.. Cuphead! Horse! We'll have to jump!" Mugman yelled in terror. "DOUBLE DOWN!" Cuphead cheered.

The horse landed on the tiles of a house. And struggled to land somewhere on the ground, as it sped throughout the kingdom. "Aight Knight, let's see how fast you can run." Cuphead challenged. This was a mistake, as they almost flew off countless times on the Dice Bridge.

                                                                            | LOCATION : THE BAKERY |

"Uh, Cuphead." Mugman asked. "Hm?" Cuphead jumped off the Horse. "Call me for Backup. I'll wait out here. If I don't hear from you soon, I'll barge in." Mugman promised. "Aight. Be safe, Mugsy." Cuphead hugged his brother, and Mugman returned the hug. "Same to you, Cuphead."

Cuphead ran up ahead, into the tunnel where he was greeted with the bakery front door. He started banging on the front windows, to no avail. "!" Cuphead yelled in anger, and then he saw a rock and threw it at the window, smashing it.

"Ms. Chalice?" Cuphead called out for her, but she didn't answer. He then saw the bakery counter pushed over, revealing a basement. This must have been where her room could be, or where she was.

He climbed down the steps, and ran as fast as he possibly could. "Chalice, I thought I'd never see you again!" Cuphead looked up. Chalice was in a Jar, and tied up to a chain via a tight rope around her arms. His face dropped in horror. Chalice was banging in the glass, screaming and trying to tell him what was going on.

He reacted too late, and by the time he started to turn, the knife wound was already in his stomach. "Welcome back, you meddlesome brat." Saltbaker taunted, as he kicked Cuphead aside. "Now look what you've done, Ms. Chalice. But don't worry, our secret will die with the both of you." Saltbaker approached his oven, and stabbed the knife into the counter.

"And as for you specifically.. I'll use your soul as a use for my wondertart. Since I've been using you as a substitution to keep me healthy and powerful, now I can stay that way with this simple solution." Saltbaker grabbed the jar and began lifting it towards the counter. Wally, (the bird, incase you forgor 💀💀), started pecking at the Man's hand, but Saltbaker swatted the bird to the other side of the room.

Chalice started to fight and push away the Jar, until she got the lid off. "Chalice, really! Enough! Stop fighting me!" Saltbaker yelled in anger. "No! No! For every last minute of my life, I will fight!" Chalice began. "I will never stop trying to escape you! But.. if you let me heal him. I won't fight." She promised. " Chalice!" Cuphead pleaded.

"Quiet, you little shoehorn!" Saltbaker threw the lid at Cuphead. "I'll never stall, I'll never try to escape if you just let me heal him. And I'll be able to be used for the wondertart. I promise." Chalice implored. "Just let me heal him!"

A little while after, Cuphead was being tied to the chains. "In case you get an idea of following me, and trying to save Chalice." Saltbaker scoffed. Chalice immediately ran towards the Cup. "Cup..Cuphead!" Chalice yelled. "You're hurt! I'm sorry. Everything will be okay though." Chalice cried. "I promise.. just trust me. Breathe." She grabbed him.

"I can't let you do this." Tears started to flow from his eyes. "And I can't let you die."

Chalice shushed him. "But if you this.. then you'll die." Cuphead started to slow in his breaths. "Hey, It'll be okay." Chalice affirmed, and started to sing.

Cuphead stopped her. "Chalice, wait." Cuphead grabbed one of her handles, putting an illusion that they were about to kiss. But then, using a shard from the mirror, he cut her straw in half.

"Cuphead...why?" Chalice was in horror. Her now cut in half straw turned brown, along with the rest of her turning into a Brown Chalice. This took Saltbaker in complete shock, as he quickly tried to pick up the cut straw, but it only turned the man more cracked and weak. "No! This cannot be happening!" Saltbaker was furious. He started running at the Cups, and used all of his powers at once, trying to attack them with all types of foods. "What have you done?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Saltbaker eventually got very weak and fell. At this point, the Bakery could collapse at any moment.

And then someone entered the basement.

Mugman tackled Saltbaker, and restrained him. "Damn Mug! Always getting in my way! Almost as bad as your brother!" Saltbaker furiously yelled. Mugman kept an serious look, not furious nor saddened, just focused. Saltbaker tried to push Mugman off. Unfortunately for him, Mugman pushed Saltbaker's head into the wall, and knocked him out.

Chalice ran over to the Man, worried that he may have been dead. But he was still alive, his pulse was still going. Unlike Cuphead.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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