Imprisonment and Retaliation

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The boat creaked, as a knocked out Cuphead, tied to a boat, crown in hand, approached the dock of the palace. "Look! The crown!" A guard cheered, and led many other guards down to the dock. "Ch..chal..chalice?" Cuphead groggily murmured. "Chalice!" Cuphead yelled. The guards jumped onto the boat, grabbed the crown, and started to cart him off into captivity.

Knight, (the horse), waited patiently on the dock they initially started off from nearby. He noticed Cuphead getting taken away. "Wait! Wait! Guys, stop!" Cuphead tried to fight off the guards, shaking and trying to be released from their grip. "Chalice!" He tried to call out. This lead Knight to worryingly look over to the other coast on the other side of the Inkwell Isle.

| TIMESKIP, 7 A.M. |

Cuphead paced around his cell, Mugman inside with him, and looked out the cell window. He knew Chalice had to be out there, somewhere. "It ain't worth it, Cuphead. Just leave it." Mugman quietly scolded. "You'd be one to talk! You actually believed SALTBASTARD when he told ya' that lie about me! Now, Chalice is going to be left alone to be exploited for her power, ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" Cuphead ranted.

"It wasn't really just my fault, okay? I thought that you would have betrayed me, and left me to starve! You showed me that when you made that plan!" Mugman defended. And he was right about the plan for stealing the crown from the beginning. "I admit it was wrong to make that kind of plan. But I'd never do that to my brother." Cuphead looked to the ground. "You're my best friend, partner in crime, brother forever. I couldn't loose you for some quick money."

The cell door opened, and General Elder Kettle entered. "I'm sorry boys, I really am. But let's get this over with." Mugman and Cuphead gulped, full of uncertainty, dread, and fear. "Where are we going?" They both asked. Kettle just stared at them, and Cuphead and Mugman grabbed their necks in realization. "Oh."


Chalice stood, staring at her box of shoes in the corner of her room. Saltbaker picked it up, exited the room briefly, threw it out of the basement door, and returned to sit with Chalice. "There, it never happened." Chalice just stared at the ground, with no response.

"Now, wash up for breakfast. I'm making chocolate chipped pancakes." Saltbaker tried to cheer her up. Chalice still quietly looked down in shame. He sighed. "I tried, I really did Ms. Chalice. I tried to warm and hide you from what was out in that world." Chalice had tears running down her face at this point.

"The world is selfish and cruel, if it finds the slightest ray of light, it darkens it." Saltbaker shut the door quickly, and walked upstairs. Preparing to make breakfast.

Chalice opened her hands, to reveal the tiny flag with the Ghost Emblem of the kingdom. Wally flew up and hugged her with his wings, looking up at her in sadness. She laid back onto her bed, examining her paintings on the ceiling of her room. Chalice then held up her flag, seeing a parallel between the shapes in her paintings, and the ghost shape on the flag.

Something wasn't right. Had she been subconsciously painting the Ghost around her paintings? She looked on a different wall, the same shape appeared. Each painting, the same shape always appeared. Pink Ghosts glowed around the room, as she got up in fear.

And that's when the memories came pouring in.

A crib topped with a Pink Ghost appeared, as she looked at her actual Father, the King of Inkwell Isle. Thinking back to the tile mural she saw in the kingdom, it was a Ghost-Child, a Chalice in that mural. And when she tried on the crown from when Cuphead first came. It felt.. natural to her.

The realization came in with a splash of shock. It was sudden, indeed. She tripped into her dresser, breaking it, still in shock.

                                                                    | LOCATION : INKWELL CASTLE |

General Elder Kettle carried the boys by the Handle throughout the corridor. Cuphead had enough, and pushed back the guard. "How did you know about Ms. Chalice!" Cuphead grabbed Mugman by the sweater. "It wasn't me! It was SALTBASTARD, as you like to call him!" Mugman pushed himself away, and General Kettle just grabbed them back and continued on. "No! Wait! You don't understand, she's in danger! No!" Cuphead thrashed and tried to push away.

                                                                     | LOCATION : THE OLD BAKERY |

Saltbaker had opened the hatch to the basement at this point. "Ms. Chalice?" Saltbaker started to head down into the basement. "Chalice, what's going on down there?" He approached the door, but she quickly opened it, panting. "Are you alright?"

Chalice didn't look up. "I'm the lost princess." She murmured. Saltbaker rolled his eyes. "Speak up, Chalice. You know how I hate the mumbling." Saltbaker crossed his arms. "I AM the lost princess!" Chalice loudly declared. "Aren't I?" Saltbaker had a serious face. "Did I mumble, Father? Or should I even call you that?" Chalice glared at him.

Saltbaker scoffed. "Do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?" He walked towards her and she pushed him away. "It was you! All you!" Chalice accused. "Everything I did was to protect you." Saltbaker told her.

Chalice pushed him away once more, and headed for the stairs, and went up the hatch. Saltbaker followed. "Chalice!" She flew as fast as she could, fatigued. "I spent my life hiding from everyone, who would use me for my power," Chalice was interrupted. "MS. CHALICE!" Saltbaker tried to grab her arm, but missed. "..when I have been hiding from you." Chalice yelled.

"Where will you go? He won't be there. I made sure of that." Saltbaker crossed his hands. "What did you do to him?" Chalice interrogated. "He and his brother are to be hanged for their crimes..but at least his brother gets a trial to save himself." Saltbaker explained.

"No." Chalice gasped, and she stopped flying in shock. "Now, now. It's alright. Listen, everything is as it should be." Saltbaker reached up to Pat her on the head, but Chalice stopped him and grabbed his arm. (How the turn tables) "No! You were wrong about the world, or at least overdramatized it. You were wrong about me!" She kept a tight grip on his arm. "I will never let you use my power AGAIN!" Saltbaker finally got out of her grip, falling back onto a mirror.

Chalice grabbed a bag of food, her bird, and made for the door out of the main bakery. "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine, now I'm the bad guy." Saltbaker grabbed his knife.


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