7 AM Mismanages, 8 AM Shenanigans

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                               (Picked the worst title yet but anyway , LOCATION : Forest/Inkwell Bakery)

A blue and red bird was flying around the house, looking urgently for a place to hide. 'Took him a while, but he decided on a patch of red and blue flowers and hid in them trying to make himself blend in.

What followed was an immediate response of the cellar door to the main bakery room to open and Chalice to float in.

"Aha!" She exclaimed, and glanced over to the obvious location of her bird, Wally. "Hm....I guess Wally ain't out here. I should check the Kitchen." With that being said, Wally sighed with relief and was immediately caught by Chalice who flew over once he revealed his confirmed location. "Gotcha!" She followed up with. And the bird screamed from shock and then rolled his eyes.

"That's 22 for me, how 'bout 23 outta 45?" Chalice suggested, but a really quick Squack in a negative fashion from the Bird indicated a "How 'bout no?". "Okay.. well you don't seem to have any better of an idea of what to do today!" Chalice responded. She obviously was wrong, because the bird longed to go outside as well with her, and eagerly flew to the door.

"Yeah, I wish we could. Wait- what am I saying? We both like it in here. You could always fly out on your own.. but It's not so bad in here! Just watch!" Chalice implored. She then grabbed her guitar, and you know what comes next.

                                (  🚨 SONG ALERT 🚨 SONG ALERT 🚨 I RECOMMEND YOU SKIP! )

(Unfortunately, as we have come to this time, if you actually DO want to listen to this damn song, I recommend that you play the video below you so you can listen in pain while you read. Or, be smart and skip entirely to the rest of the chapter. But yknow your decision )

(Scroll for lyrics)

                7 AM the usual morning Lineup
| The girl would start to sweep |
Start on the chores and sweep 'till—
   —the floors all clean!
| She would mop, polish, and do laundry |
Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up!
| And the SWEEP AGAIN. |
Sweep again and by then it's like 7:15
And so I'll read a book!..or maybe two or three
| She'd paint the wall of the living room |
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar, and knit, and cook and basically-
Just wonder when will my life begin.
| She'd move a shelf in the bakery front room, and paint on the wall behind them |
Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking!
Attempt some Ballet
And chess!
Pottery and ventriloquy
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch?
Take flight, sew a dress.
| She would reread the same books out of boredom. |
..And I'll reread the books if I have time to spare.
| She'd sadly look all over the bakery main room's walls for painting areas |
I'll paint the walls some more, hope there's room anywhere.
And then I'll fly and sing and sing, and glow somewhere.
Still in the same place I've always been.
And I'll keep wonderin', and wonderin' and wonderin' and wonderin'-
When will my life.. begin?
| She'd walk to one of the bakery's main windows |
Tomorrow Night
The pink lights will appear
Just like they do
On my birthday each year
What is it like?
| Chalice would turn to her painting in the bakery main room, a display of the pink lights |
Out there where they glow
Now that I'm Older
Father might just.. let me go.



Cuphead, or "Dirk Dangerous" slid down the roof of the inkwell castle, satchel in hand. His brother, Mugman, also hesitantly slid down afterwards. Jumping from roof to roof, they mad an effort as to not get caught by the guards. Their end goal? To get the crown of the lost princess, someone we know as Ms. Chalice.

"Wow! I could get used to this view! And.. is that a guard? They look WAYYYYY shorta' in person!" Cuphead/Dirk remarked. "Dirk! C'mon!" Mugman nervously said. "We may miss our chance to grab the crown! What if the Devil and his lackies get it first?"

"Hold it. I'm used to this view now! Mugsy, I wanna castle!" Dirk said smugly. "Well if we just get this ova' with, we can buy our own castles! Now let's go! I'll lower you down." Mugman scolded.

Cuphead went down slowly, and many guards were encircling the crown, but not facing it. 'Pf, too easy! Now time to double down!' And he grabbed the crown and put it in his satchel. A guard then sneezed, and being the little caca he is, he responded with "Hay fever?" And the guards noticed he was already leaving with the crown by the time they realized what was what.

Dirk Dangerous and Mugman raced over the famous "Dice Bridge" and nobody had even realized what was going on! "Can ya picture me in my own grand castle? I definitely can! I bet it will be made out of cake! All the things we've seen and it's barely 8 in the mornin' Mugsy! What a day this will be!" Dirk exclaimed.

                                                                           ( END OF CHAPTER )


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