💛The boy with the pikachu💛

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Hope you enjoy! ~ (it's mainly an introduction)

Looking back...these first few chapters are probably not as good as the end ones lol, In my opinion 🙃✨

Goh's POV❤️

So, where to begin.... 

I'm from Vermillion City, and you can say I love Pokemon, or as Chloe would say, I love them too much. She doesn't seem to be fond of them, which is dissapointing seeing as she's my only friend. That is..

Until today.

It may seem crazy, but I knew I felt i WANTED to meet lugia, then the only way was to jump right? I had spent ALL that time trying to measure the temperature, the humidity, just to find it. What I WASNT expecting was another boy, with a pikachu to meet me there.


"It was so awesome to meet so many Pokemon!" With a tiny blush on his face.

I couldn't help but stare at him. Wow... he had golden-brown eyes, and raven black hair, which gently swayed in the breeze, but held over by his red cap, and I couldn't help but well look at how cu-

no!  What am I thinking? He might not even want to be my friend, let alone...

But I brought myself back to reality, and just laughed to myself, wondering what I possibly could be thinking.

"You're pretty funny you know!" I say smiling.

"Yeah? You think so?" He said smiling back

I couldn't belong but keep staring, so I just decided to say,

"Yeah! And...I accept you!" I said. I didn't really know how this friend business worked.

"You accept me?" He said, but laughing.

"I accept you as my friend!"

"What are you talking about?" But you could tell he was being kind about it.

"I'm Goh.. from vermillion city."

"And I'm Ash from pallet town!" he exclaimed "Oh, and this is my partner Pikachu!", leaning over so I could pet it. (With the greeting of lightning sparks)

"Nice to meet you!" We both stated, shaking hands 

And the ride with Lugia was really something, it was so incredible! Although I almost couldn't keep my eyes off Ash- which was ridiculous, I was riding a LEGENDARY Pokemon! All I've ever wanted...It was such a beautiful experience...

Riding lugia, of course...


Lugia dropped us off, in a beautiful flower field, and we both waved goodbye to it, until it was out of sight.

Sitting in silence for a few seconds, we tried to process what just happened, until Ash leaned back, onto the grass and said, "Pokemon are just the coolest.."

I thought about it. I'd loved Pokemon all my life. "Yeah.." I muttered, trying to distract the fact I was thinking about Ash as well."Lugia really brought that feeling home for me..the feeling that there's a lot of world out there!.." I could feel I was rambling, but Ash seemed interested.

"Hm?" Ash smiled, looking over at me. I felt a bit more courageous now that he was listening. No one really seemed to be interested in whatever I had to say, to be honest. "Know what? You can go anywhere if you've got the desire, and meet any Pokemon you want too!"

"Sure can! No doubt about it!" He said it with fierceness in his eyes, genuine thought to what I said, not just ignoring or groaning like Chloe would. Well, only because she doesn't like Pokemon. Ash jumped up from the grass and looked at me..and I looked at him..his beautiful brown eyes, that glimmered in the sunlight, the strange little marks on his cheeks...

What am I talking about?

I could feel some weird sensation building up in me, id never felt it before. Was it because I met lugia? But the boy sitting right next to me, when I stared at him I just...got lost into a world...

I realised Ash had been staring at me, expectantly, the whole time. But my endless trail of thoughts ended as he started to laugh, and I couldn't help but giggle too from his contagious laughter. I stood up, tucking my hands in my pockets, and Ash watched me. "Come on, Ash" Let's go back.

"Wait-...BUT WHICH WAY IS BACK?!" We both shouted, in sync.

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Well, that's how we met.. and ever since that moment I can say that-

I've fallen in love.

I can't deny it. Yes, ever since the ivysaur, where Ash protected them, I could feel it. Everything about him, just made me feel fuzzy inside... and of course he couldn't possibly feel the same because I'm me. The boy who had no friends except Chloe before he met ash. The one who-

"Hey goh? Gohhhh?  You awake? It's time for breakfast, man! I'm starving, right Pikachu?" Ash called, from the bottom bunk.

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed, impatiently. 

I sighed trying to snuggle back into the covers, I really couldn't be bothered for today.

"Goh? Will I have to come up there and " Ash questioned.

I sat bolt up right in the top bunk, my face blushing. He hasn't even said anything awkward and I'm already burning. Raboot, at the end of my bed, who evolved from scorbunny a few weeks ago, was keeping its distance too. He rolled his eyes at me, hopping off the bed, casually. I tried to go down the ladder with what I would call "ease" but obviously my clumsy self had to miss the step. Ash was just about to leave, but caught me just in time, with his arms wrapped around me gripping tightly. "Goh! Are you alright?" 

Was I alright? I was practically boiling with embarrassment. My heart was throbbing, madly. I unleashed myself from his grip, and said "I'm fine!" Though I was practically sweating. 

"Uhh goh? ...You look kinda red. Do you need..."

"NO- no! I jus- it's just the shock from falling!" I stuttered and ran into our shared bathroom, and then leaned against the door. 


This is a day-to-day life with ash.

I'm still not used to it. 


Thanks so much for reading! Even I admit it's pretty rubbish lol 😅 But it's just an introduction!

But I hope you enjoyed! Ill try write as often as possible, and I'm actually really enjoying this! 

(All the art in this book, the credit goes to their creators, not me!)

Have a good day :)

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