23. Midnight Adventure

Start from the beginning

The second voice belonged to a female.  A very familiar female.  Severus's eyes widened as it registered.  Alaina and Quirrell?  No.  It couldn't be!  He rushed over to the end of the corridor and darted around the corner on the opposite side of the way they were coming.  He peeked around so he could see them, but they couldn't see him.

Alaina and Quirinus were very close in proximity as they walked down to Quirrell's office door.  Severus felt like there was a knife embedded in his heart and someone had just walked by and twisted it.  What had the two of them been doing together at this time of night?

"Anytime you have a question about anything, you really should ask Severus.  He's the Potions expert."

Quirrell smiled nervously.  "I-I'm n-not sure he would u-understand."

"I'm sure he would," Alaina assured him.  "He's a very understanding person.  The healing potion should work nicely for your wound though.  Are you sure you don't want to go to the Hospital Wing to have it looked at?"

"P-Positive.  Thank you."

Quirrell disappeared into his office and closed the door, limping a little, he noticed.  Alaina continued walking down the corridor toward Severus's hiding place.  He backed away from the edge and tried to decided whether or not he should reveal himself to her.  He had questions  he wanted answers to and she was the only one who could answer them, but if Severus did decide to reveal himself, he knew Alaina would want to know why he was there.  He sighed.  Either way, it wasn't going to be easy for either of them.

Alaina turned the corner.  Severus made an impulsive decision to reach out and grab her before she saw him in the shadows and freaked out.  She tried to scream, but he slid his hand down over her mouth.

"It's me, Alaina," he whispered quickly in her ear.  "Severus."

Instantly, she relaxed.  He slowly removed his hand.  She knew enough not to scream because it would probably wake the whole castle.  But there was one thing she could do.  She turned around and smacked him hard on the shoulder.

"Ow!" he cried.  "What was that for?"

"You scared me to death!  Why did you grab me like that?  Do you have a death wish or something?"

"No," Severus answered simply.  "I don't."

"I could have killed you!" she shouted through clenched teeth.

"I apologize, but if I had just stepped out, you would have screamed anyway."

"What are you doing skulking around here in the middle of the night anyway?"

"What were you doing with Quirrell?" he shot at her.  The thought of her alone with him made his skin crawl.

Alaina raised her eyebrows.  Severus's tone was accusatory and she didn't like it.  She shook her head, her jaw set firmly.  "Were you watching me?"

Severus clenched his fists at his sides.  He didn't understand why it was bothering him so much.  "NO.  I was watching Quirrell on Dumbledore's orders.  What were the two of you doing?"

"Why are you so interested to know?" she asked curiously.  He seemed awfully eager to hear the answer to that question.

"Alaina, he may be dangerous," Severus said.  "Albus told me the only person who could make Harry's scar hurt is the one who gave it to him.  I don't have to tell you who it was.  Now I don't have any kind of connections to him anymore, but Quirrell-"

"He could not possibly be a Death Eater," Alaina interruped.  "He doesn't have the nerve for it."

"Maybe not, but there is a reason Harry's scar was hurting him.  I thought it might have been me, but Albus ruled me out.  Besides, things aren't always what they seem.  You have to be careful."

"I know, Severus."  She sighed loudly.  "When did you tell Dumbledore about it?"

"While you were sleeping.  Don't you remember?"

"I must have forgotten.  It's good to have his input on things."

"That's why I'm spying on Quirinus, as I told you before."

"I don't think it's him."

"He's up to something.  Why else would he be out at this hour?"

"Taking a walk," Alaina answered.  "Just like I was."

Severus shook his head.  "You shouldn't be going out by yourself at night like this either.  It's too dangerous."

"I can take care of myself, Severus."

He set his jaw hard.  "Fine.  Have it your way."

He turned and stomped away from her.  Alaina stood in the same spot for several minutes.  She had never seen Severus so persistent and so angry.  But why was he so upset?  Was it because she was putting herself in danger?  Or because she was with Quirrell?  There was only one answer she could come up with.  He was jealous.  Why else would he dismiss her like he did?  She bit her lower lip.  She just hoped she hadn't ruined their friendship over something so petty.

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