Chapter- 25 (Why him?)

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I have no idea what to tell my younger sister, but she looks curious. Her question remains the same, "why him out of all people?"


Out of all the people in the world. Out of several options. Why did I choose to like him?

Like I choose to purposefully fall into these traps...

I wish I could say, Idk how it started, but it won't be true then,

I know exactly how we met... I even remember the frisking date. The whole memory of seeing him the first time always plays in my head on repeat & I can't honestly wipe it off even if I want to.

The first time our eyes locked at the party was enough for me to realize he's not like others.

The first time our eyes couldn't stop gazing at each other. I knew He was staying in my life longer than I imagined. My sister already knows the whole our first meet-up thing. I don't need to remind her of that.

Our whole discussion at my cousin's birthday party was...memorable, I guess.

How I'm supposed to explain to her why him?

"I don't know, probably the first time I saw his smile, my heart skipped a beat,


the time we held each other gaze longer than necessary,


the time when he understood me as he knows me soo well. When we met just a few minutes ago,


the time when he unexpectedly dropped by my college & we had our little date,

I honestly don't know why Himnish. I need to know too. It's just... the chemicals in my brain gave the mixed signals when I saw him and my hormones started dancing. The butterflies won't stop creating a frisking air show in my stomach & my brain started getting overpowered by my heart. I don't know how to explain this, but when you see someone and instantly clicks! No awkward phases, no hesitation. You can be the real you in front of him & he won't judge. That's the feeling I get from him. I can't honestly explain it in words... You'll know when you feel the same way, I feel for Himnish."

& with that, I place the coffee cup on Anni's side of the dining table.

After she asked me why and I nodded in response. I took her to the living room and went to the kitchen to make coffee. It suits us perfectly since we both are coffee addicts. It calms our nerves.

I've tried to explain in simple words, but she's too young to understand the complications. She's more practical than me. Maybe, that's why I don't worry about her. She's more mature than her age, so I hope she understands----

"If you like him that much. Why aren't you together yet?" she asks me with a confused look, "You like him way more than he likes you. I know that. Before you say anything, yea, I know he gave you a surprise by popping out of no was outside your coaching, but if you had that kind of freedom. Sis, you would have probably moved with him in Hyderabad by now" she ends her little speech with a smirk.

Yes, I would have...

"And leave everyone I love behind, no way!" I lied while shaking my head," I'll never do that even if I loved him, which I do not!"

There go my acting skills.

"Stop lying, Di. You aren't setting a good example for your younger sis--" she points her thumb towards her,"--that's me."

I giggled at her response," You can try all you want, baby, but emotional blackmail doesn't work on me" I got up from my seat.

You become emotionally stable. When you grew up around manipulated people.

I picked up our empty cups and stepped inside the kitchen. While Anni, like a lost puppy, follows me behind," Di, come on, admit it"

Mentally I had admitted it. I would have moved with him if I had that kind of freedom. Trust me, I have thought about it like million times!

But the reality is too cruel. I have conservative mentality parents, they love me without any doubt, but sometimes (most of the time) their mentality creates intangible boundaries around me. No matter how much I thought about breaking them, I never got the guts to do it.

I look at Anni who is giving me puppy eyes," Not gonna work-" I raise my hand,"-Talk to my hand."

"Hahaha, hilarious," she says with a sarcastic tone and gives me a high five. We giggle a little until Another doorbell rings. I move out of the kitchen while Anni is behind me. I open the door expecting Bhai to be back with my dark chocolate but Naah. God likes to play with my emotions.

My parents are standing in front of me & staring at me from head to toe. Toe... damn it! Bandages!!

I look down at my injured ankle, cursing my luck until Mumma comes and wraps her hands on my shoulders," What happened to you, baccha?" her voice is filled with concern, and dad is scrowing at me.

"I-I-I slipped... from the stair," I lie to them. I look at dad & his eyebrows are furrowed.

He's not buying it

"Aisha, how can you be too clumsy" my mom scolds me," You should be more careful around your surrounding. You could have gotten hurt."

" but I got hurt..."

"Real hurt Aisha, like broken bones or something. Not this" she points at my ankle and then at my hand, "it's nothing. You don't even know the pain I went through when I gave birt--"

"Okay, mom!!! that's enough." I stopped her from finishing that sentence," We shouldn't stand in front of the gate. Come on." I gave a then small smile. My mom smiles back, but my father is still frowning.

Bhai, I need you right now...

Anni greets my parents & both of them hug her but then bid her farewell because she got a test tomorrow. I want to stop her, but being selfish won't help her pass her exam.

All of us are now sitting in the living room while mom gets up and goes into the kitchen. I watch her movement until she disappears into the kitchen.

Is there a door or something? I need to get out from here.

"Aisha," my dad calls me & I'm mentally cursing my luck... Again

I looked at him with a fake smile," Yupp, papa."

"How did you injure your hand?" my dad questioned me while pointing out my bandaged hand with his index finger. He sat on the couch which front of me while his legs were relaxing on the table.

I waved my hand in front, "Ohh, this! Idk Maybe it got hit somewhere while I was falling from the stairs. Haha, the memory is a little blur, that's all..." I answered his question while giving my fake smile.

"On someone's face?"

Oh no..... My eyes widened & my face was pale. How does he know??? The more important question, who the hell told him???!





Hello, my beautiful readers!

Here is another installment of the novel. However, if you have forgotten what happened in the previous chapters. Feel free to revisit @Aruuwrites_

I wanted to show the dysfunctional family of Aisha. More in the next chapter!

Till then, support your girl here! ;)

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