A woman a wearing a stunning black dress, covering her voluptuous body, that's probably more expensive than this whole store is what i saw. She's got a high nose, a perfectly lined pair of eyebrows, a seductive red lips, and very beautiful purple hair. But the most noticeable thing of all about this woman is her eyes, a very shiny, but very sad eyes. A very beautiful pair of silver eyes, it looks very cold and serious but somehow, it made me feel at ease.

As the woman saw me too, her eyes widened for a bit, but afterwards she frowned, making the earlier reaction seem like an imagination. The woman squinted her eyes at me, as if scrutinizing my whole being.

"Uhmm, i'm sorry if i bumped into your companion, i didn't mean to. I wasn't looking where i was going." I apologized to her too, feeling a little uncomfortable with her stare.

"Who are you?" The woman asked me, still looking at me seriously.

"My name is Silver, ma'am." I feel giddy.

"I'm a regular in here, but i don't think i ever saw you before, is this your first time here?" The woman asked me.

"Why is she even talking to me? Aren't nobles supposed to be high and mighty, they can't even look at commoners like me?" I can only ask those questions in my head, being around this woman is both frightening and safe at the same time.

She's got this intimidating aura that me, the great Silver, the one who conquered the world with only her wits, can't help but to be intimidated.

"I think i'm becoming more and more like my mother, being overly narcissistic."

"Yes, ma'am, this is me and my friend's first time in here." I answered her, feeling a little awkward.

"What sort of books do children like you are looking for? Are you looking for fairy tales? Do you even know how to read?" She asked us both. Her words seem to be contemptuous, but her tone isn't insulting but rather curious.

"Well, i do, we're looking for books about magus and mana, and beginner books for my friend here, to learn reading." I answered motioning towards Lori who's hiding behind my back. She's probably intimidated by this woman too, and i can't blame her for that.

The beautiful woman only nodded her head.

"But, those books are supposed to be pre ordered, as books like those are in demand. I have those books here that i pre ordered, you can have it." The woman pointed towards the guy holding two thick books and two thinner ones beside the guy who's holding five thick books, all books are covered in brown paper as packaging.

"Oh no, it's alright ma'am, you said that those books should be pre ordered, i'm sure you've waited for it too. That would be too much." I declined her offer, because that would be too much of a hassle for her.

"It's no problem, i can always order it and get it today too. Besides, i don't take no for an answer." I can't help but to gulp at her words.

The woman motioned the man to hand us the two thick and two thin books. I just accepted it, i feel like i have no choice but to oblige.

"Thank you, ma'am." I just said to her, slightly embarrassed, and i'm not someone who easily gets embarrassed with anything.

"It's alright." The woman is about to say something else when another woman wearing round eyeglasses, came up to her and whispered on her left ear.

The woman nodded her head, and looked our way. "I enjoyed talking with you, but i have a meeting to attend to, i'll be on my way." The woman then turned her back to us, and go out of the shop.

"But i didn't even get to pay." I mumbled to myself while looking at the woman's back.


Outside the shop

A fancy carriage was waiting outside the bookstore, making the other carriages around it look cheap.

A purple haired woman, walked out of the shop and get on that fancy carriage, with the help of a knight holding her hand.

Before the carriage could take off, the woman called the knight standing beside it.

"Sir Calvin, the child i was talking to earlier, find everything you can about her, and i mean everything. I want it as soon as possible." The woman ordered, authoritatively.

The knight nodded his head, "yes, Your Grace."

The woman inside the carriage closed the curtains, as she ordered the coachman to proceed.

"Is that really you?" She mumbled to herself.

And off the carriage go.

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