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Jaliyah Nyree Lenox

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Jaliyah Nyree Lenox

"Get the fuck off me Mikey." I screamed trying to get out of his grip

"Nah, you always trynna fight somebody. Yo skinny ass gon get beat up one day." He said opening the car door and making me sit down

"You love telling me to stop fighting but your the main reason I'm always fighting. You stay in these bitches faces." I said before attempting to slap him

He grabbed my hand before I could and sucked his teeth.

"Gotta be quicker then that." He shrugged "Texting is cheating now ?"

"If you have to hide it from me then yes Nigga. Shouldn't no bitch be comfortable coming up to me as a woman. And since she was I'm assuming you did more than text." I fussed as I snatched my arm from him "Don't touch me."

"Man we was just having a good day. We can do this arguing shit later."

"Okay move then." I crossed my arms

"Nah cause as soon as I move yo goofy ass gon run right back over there trynna fight."

"As I should."

"You too pretty to be fighting. Let's just go."

"I don't want to go anywhere but home. I'm too pretty to be fighting but not too pretty to be cheated on? I mean if you gon cheat at least dont get caught. I don't even think you care about half the shit you put me through Mikey."


"No let me talk. Cause after this I'm done. I'm not doing this anymore. I got somebody looking up to me now."


"I wanted us to have a nice day together so I could finally tell you that I'm pregnant. Sufuckingprise."

His eyes softened as he searched for words. "Liyah you was gonna fight and you know your pregnant?"

"I was never gonna put my hands on her. It was just a heated argument."

"Why are you just now telling me?"

"I'm not that far along and I wasn't gonna keep it until my momma said I had to with the whole Supreme Court shit. Nobody else even knows."

"That's not a decision you make on your own."

"Your right but Mikey your priorities are fucked up. You don't love me like I love you and I accept that now. I got a child to raise and I can't do that if I'm worried about you lying and cheating. I pray that your a better father then you are a boyfriend. I just can't do it anymore."

"Baby come on. I'm sorry. I won't -"

"You won't do it again? You've said that a thousand times and yet you still do it again. It's done. IM done."


"That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." I wiped my tears as Azriel hugged me

I had Mikey drop me off at her house once the conversation was done. I needed a friend and I knew she'd drop everything to comfort me.

In my mind I was doing what was best for my kid. I don't know if I'm making the right decision. Only time could tell.

I can't and won't allow myself to stress over what he got going on while I'm carrying our child .

I can't and won't allow myself to stress over what he got going on while I'm carrying our child

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Hazel Jones

"I don't know if it's the drama going on with Azriel, the stress of the church or just worrying about the new baby but somethings going on with Adonis. I've been praying alot more against this attack but somethings not right." I told Nyla

(Her best friend for those who forgot. (Chapter 4))

"I'm gonna tell you how you tell me. If prayer is you talking to God then intuition is God talking to you." She told me

I smiled and nodded

" I know it's not cheating. He loves me too much, he loves God too much to ever. I think it's just us both stressing is pushing us apart."

"You don't need to be stressing carrying that little baby in there." She said rubbing my belly

"Azriel is really pushing me Ny." I said honestly "She comes home high , she's always out with God knows who and I've just been letting her. She comes home at a reasonable time still thank God but I cry from the moment she walks out until she comes back in. Adonis thinks we should be doing more but he doesn't even know how to discipline her. We take her phone and she pops up with a new one. We tell her she's grounded, she locks her door and hops out the window. I don't even recognize my own child." I said honestly

"I wish parenting came with a rule book. Kids are head strong. She's too old to be beat, too young to kick out. I understand what your saying but please try to cut down on the stress."

"I will." I sighed

Tried something different this chapter. I think I'll start giving Jaliyah more povs👀

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