"I'm open. But find yourself while I find me too." I laid my head on his shoulder.


"Thank you for coming with me." I hugged Eros and Anteros. "I know this isn't easy to sit and decided mom's future, but I'm so very grateful for your support."

"Always here!" Anteros squeezed my shoulder. "Also I got bored laying in bed all day."

"How are you feeling?" I questioned.

"Like I've never been shot."

Eros stiffed a laughed.

"Don't make that a running joke." Eros shook my head. "That was traumatic."

"Where's Bia?" Anteros questioned. "I thought she was at the office with you."

"She drove me here."

"Athena, you have to learn how to drive. It's a must. Our younger sister should not be a better driver than you." Eros shook his head.

"I choose not to drive. I have Anders, Tobi, and now Bia. I have plenty of transportation."

"Okay but what if you're at home alone and someone breaks in and you can't leave so you get hurt."

"That happened already." I shrugged.

"Damn. My bad." Eros looked at the ground.

Anteros busted out laughing.

"I'm not laughing at what happened, I'm laughing at Eros. Lord, I'm sorry, that was so funny." He chuckled.

Anteros let out a cough before holding his stomach.

"Not so funny now?" I questioned.

Eros laughed.

"Y'all we are fucked up. Laughing about real shit." Eros shook his head. "I love y'all."

"Well look at my backstabbing children getting along."

"I thought you were locked up." I crossed.

"I'm rich. I posted bail. Not convicted yet."

"So why are you here? If you can't get this contract annulled then we have no business." I said.

"It's getting annulled. I just wanted to look into your face as you sign your mother's rights away."

"You did it to yourself," Eros spoke up.

"Excuse me, boy?"

"You did it to yourself. Your scheming! You never cared about Beverly or Athena or Bia or us. Everything you did was for you. You never thought about the consequences of your actions or jow it could fuck up your kids' lives. Athena was beaten. She was beaten in the comfort of her own home, she had such severe injuries that she could barely breathe. Ant was shot. We didn't know if he was going to live or die but yet this is still all about you."


"Listen to me when I say this. You're a cold-hearted narcissist. I'm done with you. I've let you manipulate me but it ends today. Goodbye, Kaelyn."

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