Lost In The Shadows

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Yakumo and Ayn arrived at the Cathedral of Secret Blood, not expecting to find a familiar face struggling to dispose of an enemy. Rathion wanted to leave this place immediately, unfortunately he met an unexpected enemy.

Juzo Mido shouldn't be here, it seems that Rathion's interference changed a lot of things, making everything more complicated. He knows how much of a despicable man Mido is, willing to sacrifice anything and anyone in the pursuit of evolution and progress over survival. He often took in orphans and used them as guinea pigs for his experiments, and then sold on the ones who were still living and stable to private military companies as advanced super-soldiers; among the many children he did this to were Yakumo Shinonome, Emily Su and Miguel Garcia.

Mido was a genius in the field of revenant research and an integral part of Project QUEEN. After the failure of Project QUEEN and the success of Operation Queenslayer, Mido chose to take on two Relics, implanting one in himself and one in Emily Su, transforming her into the Successor of the Claw. He resented Silva for creating and maintaining the Gaol of the Mists to protect revenants from the horrors, since Mido believed that he had forgotten why revenants and the Queen were created in the first place. So, he began experimenting and created powerful yet obedient Lost knights that he dubbed the Hunters in Black, and gave them the task of collecting and absorbing the remaining Relics. Mido was not collecting them for himself: rather, he was collecting them so that, when he had gathered enough, he could send them hurtling into Silva, causing him to frenzy and be unable to maintain the Gaol of the Mists, forcing revenants to fulfil their purpose.

Killing a man like him sooner than expected might help Ayn travel more safely to save the successors, but Rathion did not expect Yakumo and Ayn to show up at such an inopportune time. He didn't want Juzo Mido to encounter Ayn, because he could be in danger and Rathion wouldn't be able to protect him in the state he is in.

The other problem is Yakumo, he is a short-tempered man who will definitely rush forward without thinking of the consequences. Yakumo lost a lot of things at Mido's hands, so there's no way he can keep his cool after seeing the man who caused his misery.

"You two shouldn't be here, run away now!" Rathion raised his voice, the tone loud enough to send shivers down Yakumo and Ayn's spine.

In this situation, Yakumo wanted to ignore everything and kill the bastard who made him and his friends suffer, but after hearing Rathion's voice, he reconsidered running forward without having a plan. Despite being told to flee, neither of them listened to Rathion, staying by his side to fight together. Rathion didn't want this, he urged those two to leave immediately, but it was useless like talking to a wall.

"Even if you tell us to run away, there is no way we will do such a thing." Yakumo touched Rathion's back. "We are going to fight together like we did in the past."

Ayn nodded, "I fought by your side once, let me have the honor of being your partner once more."

Rathion noted how stubborn those two are, when they make up their minds about something there is nothing that can change their minds. Still, having them by his side could be useful, but Rathion couldn't help feeling uneasy. There was this distance thought that made him feel that something bad would happen if he decides to let Yakumo and Ayn fight by his side.

However, there wasn't enough time to think about that bad feeling, not when the opponent was right in front of them. Mido raised his arm in the air, Rathion quickly told Ayn and Yakumo to dodge the large spikes that shoot up from the ground and deal substantial damage. Thanks to Rathion's warning, they all dodged the spikes, however, Mido took this opportunity to get closer.

He dashes towards Ayn, leaving a red trail behind his sword that deals damage. Ayn didn't expect to be targeted so quickly, so he didn't have time to get away from Mido.

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