Ruined City: Center

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Again Ayn had the same dream he had every night, but this time it was a little different from the previous one. The greenery, open fields, lush thickets, were no longer there. Everything was burned, until nothing was left, the beautiful place in his dreams have become cold without color; like the real world.

Ayn walked through the ashes, trying to find the man who always appeared within his dreams, he wanted to find out if Rathion and the man of his dreams are the same person but, no matter how long he walked; the place remains the same, there is no sign of a living being in this place.

After walking for some time, seen from the distance, they are fuzzy clouds tinged with light pink, spilling fluffs of petals into the winds. A stray whiff of their aroma swims over and steals its way into his nostrils. The fragrance is not pungent and penetrating like other flowers; rather, it's faint and unobtrusive, which has the quality of a sweet aroma.

At first the whole place was just ashes, but in this small part life is still abounding. This small place is covered with all kinds of different flowers, is beautiful and breath taking at the same time. In the midst of all the flowers, a young man stands, his back is very familiar to Ayn.

That young man is the same person who has always appeared in his dreams and the same man within the memories recorded inside the vestige. Rathion has tried to guide Ayn all this time, he wants all the lost memories to be found, so that he can be remembered again.

But there is also another reason why Rathion has been appearing in Ayn's dreams, if he could speak freely, he would have already told Ayn everything he needs to know. For some reason, Rathion cannot communicate freely with Ayn, he is not allowed to talk about important things.

So far he has only been able to lament, lament that there is no one who remembers his existence, that all his memories were lost, becoming vestiges.

Without turning around to see Ayn, Rathion spoke a few words: "You have to find seven more, you still have a long way to go."

Ayn for a small moment did not know what Rathion was talking about, until he remembered the vestige he had collected.

"Are the vestiges important to you?"

Rathion was going to answer Ayn's question, but he felt a lump in his throat, something is preventing him from answering. That means his answer will reveal too much, there are several things that Rathion is prohibited from revealing, especially when it comes to Louis.

As he cannot reveal the most important things, visiting Ayn in his dreams does not make any sense, yet, with the hope of one day to able to tell Ayn everything that he has not been able to reveal, Rathion continues to visit him in his dreams.

There may still be a small ray of light, he does not want give up yet, not until he can find a way to tell Ayn everything he needs to know, before it is too late and ends up making the same mistake as him.

"You must save them, no matter what." After Rathion said those words, the place began to fall apart. Everything was disappearing, a sign that Ayn is waking up.

There were still many things Rathion had to tell him, and many questions Ayn wanted answers to. Unfortunately time is limited, especially when Rathion tries to talk too much, the more information he wants to give Ayn, the faster he will wake up.

Although if Ayn wakes up, Rathion will still be able to visit him in his dreams again,  entering Ayn's dreams is easy, a comparison to when he tries to enter Louis's dreams. He has managed to get in a few times, but he didn't have a physical form, and couldn't talk to Louis either. There was only one time that he was able to speak, but the same thing that happened with Ayn occurred, Rathion couldn't say anything important and had to disguise his words in riddles.

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