"he lost the plot at me the other day when I said something about penny" I confessed.

"you didn't tell him about me did you bells?" He asked.

"no course I didn't, I just asked how he ended up with someone like her, and he had a go at me, saying he had hoped for a fresh start... Which pissed me off" I replied.

"she treats him like shit" Logan then said as he drove us to the club I would be spending my birthday celebrations in.

"yep... That's obvious... So what's the story behind the whoreo name?" I asked.

Logan laughed "I have a bit of a reputation with the ladies, one of my lady friends you had the pleasure of meeting at breakfast... Erm not going in to details but whoreo is an amusing word for what I ... Errr... Its just a funny word for breakfast bells... Like cheerios... But whoreos...You had to be there to get it." He ended up saying.

"I was there though" I laughed.

"you know what I mean" he replied.

We arrived at the club, it was fancy looking, not like ones I had been to in Kansas.

Logan and I met Carlos inside, he was drunk, and had seemed to of forgotten that I didn't really know who he was anymore. He was picking me up in a huge bear hug, wishing me happy birthday, he even scruffed my hair up, which I found irritating, Carlos did seem very immature, but he was having fun.

I couldn't see kendall any where, maybe he was running late.

"do you want a drink bells?" Logan asked me,

"sure, just a bottled water though please, I don't trust places like this to make sure I get what I actually ask for" I said thinking about the watered down and mixed drinks that some places did that could cause me harm.

"no problem!" Logan replied then walked off to the bar.

Kendall grabbed me around the waist from behind and twirled me round.

"happy birthday to you.." He sang to me.

"hey mister... Your late!" I said giving him a hug.

"yeah sorry, penny took me out for dinner first, she treated me to champagne... And the most delicious cheesecake I've ever eaten" he said smiling away.

my heart sank a little bit for kendall as I realised that it wasn't penny that had treated him, it was infact Logans money that she had used.

"sounds nice" I replied trying to sound upbeat so not to ruin his special day.

I looked at penny, she was dressed in such designer gear that kendall I expect had paid for, she had her hair in some expensive looking up do.

I noticed Carlos greeting kendall with a slap on the back. I then smirked to myself as he moved on to penny and he attempted to do the same thing to her hair as he done to mine. But she slapped his hand away and screamed "don't you fucking dare" at him.

It was then that I felt like I had been hit with a thousand thoughts all at once, a rush of memories sped through my mind. Penny saying those words that I had heard in my dreams had somehow unlocked the floodgates to my mind and I was now armed with a ton of information.

"bells are you okay?" Logan said as he handed me my water.

"no... Well yeah I'm... Shit Logues, we have to go... NOW!" I said and dragged him off out of the club.

"what's going on Isabelle?" Logan asked as he started his engine, "where are we headed?" He asked.

"you didn't sleep with penny... She lied, you fell asleep, that's all you did, you just passed out from being so drunk, that is what I was going to tell kendall the day I got hit by the car, that's what didn't make sense yesterday when James took me to where it happened... I knew something wasnt adding up... Take me home, I need to read that letter" I blurted out.

big time rush - kansas confusions to california clarityWhere stories live. Discover now