chapter 4

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As we sat down at kendalls kitchen table to eat lunch I tried to think over what James had said about penny.

I wonder why I hated her guts, sure she seemed brash and a bit of a daddys rich girl but she seemed friendly enough. Its not usual that i would outwardly hate someone... As far as I know.

James refused to tell me, he said I had better and more important things to concentrate on.

"bells the guys want to come over later to say hi... You up for visitors?" Kendall asked me.

"who are the guys?" I asked

penny had a little chuckle at my forgetfulness.

James glared at her.

"just Dustin, Carlos and logues" kendall said.

"okay sure, best to get it out the way... How is Dustin?" I asked knowing exactly who he was, he used to hang out with kendall and I back home in Kansas.

"he is still insane" kendall laughed.

"baby I thought we were going out tonight?" Penny asked kendall.

"yeah but I didn't know bells would be home from hospital then penny" kendall said, looking a bit awkward that she was making a fuss.

penny raised her eye brow in annoyance "well can I use your credit card then, I will go out shopping with Tara" she said then carried on eating.

I looked at James, he rolled his eyes at me

"did you want to do something after lunch?" I said to James.

he smiled at me "sure... I would love to bells. What do you want to do?" He asked.

"erm... I'm not sure, maybe go out for a walk?" I suggested, hoping the sights may look a bit familiar.

"sounds great" he grinned "oh bells you can't eat that!" James almost shouted as I made a grab for some grapefruit.

"really?" I asked

"yeah citrus fruit is the newest one that you have developed on your expanding list of allergies" James said smiling.

"I didn't know that, sorry bells that's my fault, I thought I was doing well too" kendall said with a pretend sad face.

"yeah it gives you hives and breathlessness" James explained.

"thanks James" I said looking up at my knight in shining armour.

After we had eaten I left with James in the truck he said was mine, he drove us down to the beach.

"so you preferred to be with stranger James than hang out with penny and kendall" James chuckled as he sat down on the sand.

I sighed "there is definitely something I don't like about her, she milks kendall for all he is worth huh" I replied.

"yeah but he is besotted with her so if you do remember some things don't go telling kendall... He is very sensitive when people attack penny" he explained.

I let out a sigh, a bit fed up that I couldnt remember anything of my life.

"James what do I do here?" I asked

"what do you mean?" He replied

"well do I go to uni, do I have a job? What do I do?" I asked.

James smiled "you work, you have two jobs actually, and you love them both." He said.

"what are they then? don't keep me in suspense" I smiled.

"well you are very outdoorsy, you love fitness, when you moved here you got a job in a gym which eventually turned in to more a teaching thing, before the accident you taught people how to windsurf, and you also work in the tourist centre, you can talk three different languages Isabelle, you did go to uni, you can speak French, Spanish and German, your a little rusty on the German though" he finished.

big time rush - kansas confusions to california clarityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ