chapter 7

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As it was mine and kendalls birthday James had driven me round to see him, penny was unfortunately there, but I didn't bother making any conversation with her.

"happy birthday kendall" I said giving my life long friend a hug and kiss.

"happy birthday bells" he replied.

"I was thinking we could go out to a club tonight what do you think?" He asked.

I looked at James "I'm not sure..." He began saying.

"no its fine James, I think it would do everyone good to have some fun," I said.

"okay well if that's what you want to do bells then we can do that" he said. "but I've got a few interviews to do today, I'm not going to get back until around 9... Sorry" he added.

He really did look sorry too. I took him in my arms and gave him a kiss. All affection now felt very natural with James.

"its okay, I can wait til 9" I said as I enjoyed his strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"well just go with Logan bells, your friendly with him again now aren't you, I bet he would love you to call him and ask him to look after you until James gets there" kendall said.

"oh yeah okay, that sounds good, I will do that now" I said pulling my phone out of my pocket, I scrolled and scrolled trying to find Logans name but it wasn't on there.

"if I'm such good friends with Logan then why don't I have his number?" I said out loud as I  scanned through my contacts once more.

"let's see" James said and took the phone from me, he then laughed,

"there you go, he wasn't listed under Logan" James said chuckling.

I looked at the contact, the name simply said whoreo.

"whoreo?" I said out loud.

"ya Logan is your little whoreo" James said chuckling.

I rolled my eyes then dialled the number.

I had a really good chat with Logan, it seemed effortless. I really felt my connections where still there even though the memories weren't.

He agreed to pick me up at 7 from my house, I had decided against spending the day at kendalls even though James was out of town being interviewed for most of the day. I honestly couldn't stand to be in the same company as penny for that long.

Fox and I had a nice day in the garden just relaxing, I had time to collect my thoughts. I played with my medical bracelet as I sat there thinking, soaking up the sun. I honestly felt like my memories were now on the tip of my tongue, trying to spill out.

Before long, Logan had picked me up.

"hey whoreo" I said mocking him as I got in the car.

"oh my God... Bells do you remember that?" He said full of excitement.

"no... Sorry, its your name on my phone" I laughed.

"oh, that's a shame, I thought you had remembered everything" he said sadly.

"no sorry" I said

"its okay... You know penny dropped by mine last night, I had to give her two hundred dollars or she said that kendall would be receiving a very different kind of birthday surprise" Logan said with hate in his voice.

"what? Jesus Logan why do you give it to her?" I asked

"I'm scared that kendall will lose the plot and break the band up" he replied.

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