~part 14~

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A/N- I just realised it didn't do the meeting with the twins, lets just say they had it and all went smoothly, the twins love Harry with Draco and now hate their family, not like they liked their family much before.

"Harry? Where's Harry? He's in trouble, find him" Draco shouted out after waking up to find Harry no where in sight. Panic ran through the group in the hospital wing. No had seen Harry in some time. Lucius was bent over the hospital bed, worrying about his son. Severus and Tom couldn't feel their son, his magic wasn't around them or even in Hogwarts. Severus left the hospital wing running towards the paired shared quarters, not even caring about the children he threw out of the way, he would deal with that later. He arrived at the door,banging on the poor portrait of a knight. It was not answered. Severus let his magic loose, hoping he could feel his son again. Nothing. But all was not lost as the door opened with a bang at the loose magic hitting it once again, all Severus could see was a suitcase barely out the the wardrobe and glass shattered around the bedroom. The mirror split in two after what seems to be a rouge spell. The level of dark magic in the room was intoxicating, his worry raised dramatically for his son. Calling in Tom, they both search the rooms for any clue on what had gone on. It looked like Harry was in the mix of leaving and he was not just gone, nothing was taken or moved. He couldn't just disappear, he would do that to the family they have created, they didn't know who, but someone has managed to take him. Draco was not getting any better, in fact it was get considerably worse. "Look, the only thing I could think of now that could be doing this is the mating bond, either he's being torture or he's rejecting the bond, either way your both in trouble. I don't give it much time, maybe the end of the week" madam pomfrey walked away from the crowed bed. Draco barely wake to hear what she said. "Why would he reject the bond, it makes no sense" Draco softly played with his hands, a silver bracelet left on his wrist as a memory of where they were once joined. Lucius became incredibly guilty at the possibility that he pushed his sons mate into rejecting him. Eyes slowly turned to Lucius as he began to fidget in his seat. "FINE FINE, it was my fault, YOU HAPPY, I may have said some harsh words to him, but I was just so worried about you and how he came out of it unharmed, I'm sorry I didn't think it would lead to this" Lucius snapped after so long of the eyes staring at him. Severus had to be held back, how dare he threaten his son, cause him to rethink his mating. Murder was on Severus mind. Tom was glaring at the blond bloke as he held his husband back. "Lucius, why did you say that to my son, you think he would have wanted draco in the hospital bed? What would you think would happen when you spoke them words to him? Did you want to make him run away?" Toms word sent shivers down the back of everyone in the room. "I don't even know, I can't remember" Lucius has never felt this fearful before, he knew he would get punished and he knows he deserved it. It's not going to help get Harry back tho. "Look when Tom went into his murdering fit, Severus knew where he was just through the feeling of the bond, maybe there is enough left so Draco could find him" Lucius tried to make up for his mistake by thinking of a solution. "That would work, but Draco is too weak, if he tried to use up all that magic , he might not come out of it to even tell you where Harry is" pomfrey spoke, she wanted Harry back just as much as everyone else. "But we can channel magic into Draco, can that help?" Pansy spoke, "even if it didn't, Draco could use a little extra magic, he look nauseating". They all agreed but the finally say was down to Draco after all he was going to do the spell and was the most in danger. He sat quietly on the bed, still fiddling with the bracelet. His mind just flooding of memories he has had with Harry, was he willing to risk not waking up if Harry is safe. Severus touched the boys hand, "son, I know this is tough thing to ask of you, especially after what you did to save him before, this will help you as well, you both need each other to live, if you don't want to keep the relationship going after, to live you still need to be in each other's lives. Think about yourself, do you really want to die?" Snape spoke to the young man.
10 minutes later
"I'll do it" Draco finally decided. He knew Harry was in trouble and needed help, but why would he had he ran away and left Draco all alone, there is only one way to find out.They all gathered around Draco, placing a hand on him. They began to chant. Draco began to feel better immediately, he closed his eyes, closed his mind and searched out for Harry. There was a little slither of Harry left, a little red cord in darkness. Draco pulled on the cord, yet the cord pulled him. Soon he was in a unfamiliar place, staring at a naked beating and broken Harry tied to a chair, it looked like a living room yet it was way too full for anyone to actually want to be in the room. Harry was in the middle of the room, sofas and chairs all placed around him, so everyone could watch Draco assumed. Slowly Draco walked towards Harry, almost as if Harry could hear and see Draco, Harry's head snapped up. "I heard you, I know your out there, you not going to get the jump of me again, really using my cloak against me, you will have to try hard Weasley" Harry sneered into the opening of the chairs. Suddenly a head opened up out of no where, it was Ron Weasley. With Draco's attention shifting, he was pulled out of the room and back into the infirmary. Gasps of air filled his lungs as he felt fire spread through them. "Weasleys" Draco sputtered out of this mouth as the door flung open, the ginger twins entered with urgency. Wands were pulled towards the pair, they raised their hands immediately, "we are not here to hurt anyone, we know where Harry is and we need help to get him out NOW" they spoke together. Draco knew he could trust them. Harry trusted them with his heart. "They can be trusted, help them get Harry back, we don't have long" Draco slipped back unconscious. They formulated a plan.

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