~part 11~

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Pale blues eyes opened sleepily, a smile wrapped around his face as his legs tangled more with his love in the same bed. His hand played with the dense black and red hair, he couldn't be anymore happier. Slowly the other of the pair woke as well. "Morning draco, how did you sleep?" Harry asked, wiping the tiredness out of his eyes. "It was the best sleep in a while, knowing you can't be taken and are safe, I'm so happy" draco answered playing with the silver band around their wrists. "I would never leave you willingly and I can handle myself baby, I am supposedly the boy who lived, I can take care of my self" Harry answered rolling over to lay more onto Draco. "That isn't what I mean, I know you can take care of yourself, I just want to take care of you" Draco  replied playing with Harry's hands now. " let's just get up baby, we have to show everyone the bond" Harry pulled Draco out of bed, happy that Draco wants to care for him but a bit annoyed that he can take care of himself and doesn't want to be babied. After disappearing their clothes, they entered the shower together, they were very sensible. No long glances or sneakily touches. Nope not one bit. Okay maybe a little. But that very hurt anyone. After hurrying out of the shower and down the breakfast, they stood outside of the great hall, their glamours in place, looking exactly like before their time away. Harry knew he didn't want to sit at the Gryffindor table but he didn't know if he was even welcome at the Slytherin table. Draco slowly pulled Harry through the door and to the Slytherin table, after finding his friends and sitting with them. Harry sat down at the unusual table as well. Everyone in the whole room stared at the pair, unsure of what was going on. Dumbledore cleared his throat at the top of the room, in front of the grand stand. (Photo at the top) "students quiet down please, QUIET, thank you, now we have some new news. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter and now joined together (all hell broke loose in the hall, deafening noises erupted) QUIET DOWN, there was a potion mishap and are joined by the wrist, don't try and touch the bond as it can hurt the person touching. This will be a while before it's fixed as the potion has to ware off, so please be considering towards the pair" dumbledore spoke to the school, then quickly left the hall with Severus on his tail. All eyes were now on the pair at the Slytherin table. "Well Harry I welcome you a honorary Slytherin, if you need any help don't be afraid to ask. We take care of our own, especially anyone of dracos" pansy spoke to Harry, shaking his hand, "oh forgot to tell you, I'm Pansy Parkinson, you may already know that, there is Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Greg Goyle, Vincent Crabbe and that weirdo pulling them unapproachable faces is Graham Montague, ignore him. He's defiantly bad news" smiles all round faced the pair from the Slytherin table. Some even helped the pair fill their plate of food. "So Harry, how is everything? That show you put on with the ginger hoe caused quite a stir? Everything okay" Blaise asked Harry, " but if you don't want to talk about it or don't want to tell us that's okay, you done have to" he quickly rushed out after, hoping not to upset the boy. "No no it's okay, we are going to be around each other for a while now, so we must be comfortable around each other and we might as well be friends, if you all are up for that" nods all round the table made Harry continue, " well with Ginny, I just got fed up of her clinging onto me, no matter how many times I told her to stop or get off, she didn't listen and she always tried to get me to go to hogsmeade with her, I actually went once, just to shut her up, she made me buy her everything she wanted, promising to pay me back but she never did." Harry spat out as his angry was raising all over again. "Breath Harry, it's okay, she can't do anything to you anymore" draco tried to calm Harry down. "What did Ron have to say about his sister getting with his best friend" pansy asked. "Best friend, we are not best friends, they are..." turning to draco "can I tell them?" Draco nodded his head, "they are being paid by dumb-as-a-door to be my friend, to report back what I do, who I talk to, what I talk about. They even get me to do things like the stuff that happens every year is down to them. They are dead to me" actually smoke was coming out of Harry's ears, his angry was a bursting point. Just for the icing on the cake, the very same people the group was talking about was walking towards the table. Everyone held their breath as they knew an encounter was going to happen. "Harry, Mate what are you doing here, you should be sitting with us?" Ron spoke out trying to grab Harry. "How do you actually think Harry would be able to sit with you Weasley, if Harry went I would have to join, it felt safer here" Draco sneered at them. "You don't have to go everywhere he goes the bond doesn't work like that" Hermione chimed in at that remark, proud of her knowledge in the potion in topic. "The potion was a moulding potion, it moulded the said material which was the sliver stirring spoon into a band of magic infused silver around our wrists, the potion doesn't have a antidote, it dissolves over time, we are stuck together. Why don't you use some time to do some actual research not just listening to the senile old man" draco stepped in front of Harry as the pair tried to grab him a second time. The Slytherin all pulled out their wands and pointed them against the pair, they would protect the couple. "He is the greatest wizard of his time" before Hermione had time to finish, the table sprouted into laughter. Tears was running down Notts face as he fell off of the bench, pansy was trying to stop her make-up ruining while still crying of laughter. No one has heard anything so funny. "STOP THIS NOW, he is the greatest wizard ever and he deserves some respect, Harry tell them, don't just sit there ignoring us, we are your best friends, you meant to stand by our side...HARRY LISTEN" that time she actually got hold of his shoulder and dragged him off of the stool. Laying on the floor looking up in shock, Harry gathered himself and rose to his feet calmly. Draco was having none of it, she would be punished for touching what was his, for hurting what was his. "Listen here you deranged little mudblood, Harry isn't listening to you, he doesn't like you, he wants nothing to do with you and your little orange of a friend. You touch a single hair on his head again you will face the wrath of the Slytherin family, so you understand? Stay away from him" Crabbe bellowed at Hermione, the whole hall in shock of what has just happened. Every Slytherin now was on their feet, ready just in case. "Harry are you going to say anything or just stand there, have they slipped you a potion or under a spell, Harry...HARRY...HARRY CAN YOU HEAR US?" Granger tried again. Harry just stared at Draco, he pulled out his wand a cast a spell under his breath. A parchment appeared in the air and started to unravel, inside was a medical evaluation, it showed clear blood and no influence of spells, just all the abuse he went through over the years, he had enough of everyone thinking they know what was best for him. He was clean, however they all knew that. Turning towards the Gryffindor pair, hatred filled Harry's eyes, "I revoke your right to call me by my first name, In fact you can't call me by my last. It will be mister and only mister..." light flew out of Harry's wand at the demand as magic will in force it, "and if you every come near me again you will have no where in the world you could hide, we will find you and wish you was dead, you are no friends of mine and never is that slut of your sister, heed your warning" jinx's started to fly at the pair. They ran with their new pig tails between their legs.

His new dark lifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora