~part 9~

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With his book shirked down in his pocket and the plan securely repeating in his head, Harry was portle-keyed (no idea if that is how it's written but oh well) back into his room. Ron still asleep in his bed and Neville slowly walking out of the bathroom. "Ha har Harry you back, I can't believe it, are you okay? What happened? Dumbledore said that he had you" Neville rushed forward hugging Harry, softly speaking in his ear, hoping he didn't wake up Ron, "Harry are you okay? You don't smell the same". "I'm all good Neville honestly, i haven't showered since I left, it must be that, I just need to get away for a little while and snape was kind of enough to push me off the edge, so I left for a bit, but felt too guilty so I came back" Harry spoke to Neville but his eyes kept of flying between the door and Ron's sleeping body. "You know they have been acting like nothing happened when you left, like everything was okay, oh god Ginny was the worst tho 'where's my harry, where's my prince' she kept squealing, no wonder you left, anyway anytime you need help like that, just ask mate I would be happy to cover for you or something, everyone needs a break once in a while" Neville patted Harry in the back before walking down for breakfast. Harry hoping Neville bought about him not showering, but if he smelt a difference he must be a creature as well, Harry just had to remember to bring this up later in the book. Slowly putting on his uniform and securely hide the book in his pocket again, Harry walked down the breakfast. The hall quietened down when he walked down the main walkway. He choose to sit down next to the twins, he knew they could be trusted. "Fred George, how are you two doing?" Harry asked as he sat down, aware of everyone staring at them. "Urm we are good Harry how are you doing? Did you have an exciting time away" (normal is one twin, bold is the other) the twins asked the young man, both wanting to know if the boy they thought of as a brother was okay, they knew he wasn't but he looked different, a good different. "Guys I am good, I just need some time away, snape really annoyed me and I couldn't take being here any longer, I left to some muggle island, something man or man something, can't remember but it was good to just be Harry for a bit, not HARRY POTTER SAVOUR OF ALL TIME, you know what I mean" Harry spoke a little bit too loud, hoping people will hear and spread that. Hopefully everyone will know by lunch time. "WHERE IS HE? I HEARD HE WAS BACK" a disgusting sound irrupted from the door, Ginny Weasley came barrelling in, draco walked in behind her, his eye glued to the scene. "THERE YOU ARE my baby, your all safe, what did Voldemort do to you? Are you hurt?" Ginny rushed forward, checking over Harry for any wounds, realising there was none, "your not hurt are you? What did he want with you sweetie?". "Ginny get off of me, I'm fine, GET YOUR GRUBBY HANDS OFF OF ME" Harry lost his temper as funny wouldn't stop trying to touch him, sick rose from his stomach as she kisses his lips, one quick second was all it took and draco was fuming at the nose. "GET YOUR NO GOOD GOLDDIGGER HANDS OFF OF ME THIS INSTANCE, OR ILL BE GETTING THE MINISTRY INVOLVED" Harry stormed out of the hall, rushing towards a bathroom to be sick everything he ate the day before. Draco quietly slipped out, not going unnoticed by the twins, hoping to check on his boyfriend. "Harry it's me is everything okay in there?" He knocked on the door, locking the main bathroom door shut with one whip of his wand. "Draco I'm sorry, I didn't know what she was going to do, i want the feeling of her off my mouth now, I can still feel it" Harry was sick again into the toilet bowl. " Harry love everything is fine, it's not your fault, it's hers and she will get what's coming to her, maybe not yet but soon" draco answered Harry, hoping to get him out of the toilets. Slowly getting up off the floor and opening the door, Harry saw draco leaning against the door next to his. "Look baby you have nothing to worry about, I know you didn't want it, I know that you feel guilty, you shouldn't, I still want you, I still want to be with you and marry you, you are still my mate" draco lovingly stroked Harry's cheek, speaking softly. Tears rolled down the submissive's cheek, he couldn't have gotten more lucky with his mate. " draco I want to do the 'accident' sooner, do you think mum would be up for it" Harry rested his head of draco shoulder need that contact for comfort. " we can always ask baby" draco pulled out his book, opened it and wrote out, snape, Harry was wondering if we could do the 'accident' sooner, he just had a run in with Ginny in the hall and well he's not in best shape at the moment. As soon as draco pen left the page, another handwriting appeared
Draco, Harry, I can change the lesson plan for today, just arrived in the hall to see the after math, good job of saying I annoyed you Harry, dumbles is off my back for now, I hope you are okay son, she can't do anything to you anymore, I may have shot a spell her way, she can't get in a radius of 10 feet near you, I will  see you soon, just remember I love you Harry my baby boy
As the both knew that lessons would be starting soon, they left the bathroom to see the twins leaning against the opposite wall to the bathroom, seeing the pair walk out holding hands, smirks appeared on their face. "Well well well look Fred what the cat dragged in a romance, here we are worrying and you are out there getting some action of your boyfriend, Harry we are wounded that you didn't trust us with this information I thought you knew us I thought you trusted us" the twins raising off the wall and turning to walk away, draco worriedly called after them, hoping Harry would say something to get them to not tell anyone. "Fred George, if I can call you that, please be reasonable, Harry simply didn't want to cause a fuss, you know how anything he does gets reported back to dumble, please don't tell anyone, we want it to be a secret" draco pleaded with them, knowing if it got out now, not only would their chances at revenge be ruined but maybe Harry's and his relationship. "That all depends are you with Harry for his money for his fame just to embarrass him or to turn him dark, draco tell us what makes you attracted to our baby brother" the twins walked slowly towards draco pulling their wands out in the process, draco had seen what they can do. He defiantly doesn't want to be on the wrong end of this. "Harry is my boyfriend, he is my perfect partner I didn't know I needed, he completes me, I don't needed his money I have my own, I don't want his fame anymore than he does and we all know that's very little, I don't want to embarrass him, I just want to love him and never let go, for the dark side comment, Urm Harry" draco answered them, not know if Harry will want them to know anything about what has recently come to light. Harry decided enough was enough, " look guys yes me and draco are together, we are happy, I didn't want anyone else to know, you know how the pair can be as well as dumble, look I can't explain everything tonigh, meet us at the room at  9, I will tell you everything then, is that okay? And leave draco alone, he's the best boyfriend anyone could ask for" and the couple walked to their classes. "Oh Harry before we go into class, what did you mean by the room" draco asked. Harry just walked into class laughing followed by a comfused draco. Gossip was already flowing quickly around the castle,  before the end bell dumbledore was walking to the potion classroom

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