Picture This: Tyler's POV (bonus chapter)

Start from the beginning

"Whatever. I'll just make sure to tell Dr. Reed that my depression got worse because my boyfriend refused to help me out of my creative stupor," I said as I walked back toward my easel where our friends were still gawking at how bad my painting was.

"Bambinone (big baby)," Addison said.

"Stai zitto (Shut up)," I grumbled before I continued trying to save the unsavable. Though my lack of artistic ability usually didn't bother me, being in a class full of thirty other people who were doing significantly better than I did make me feel a certain type of way. Especially because at this rate, our cat could make something more appealing to look at in his litter box than what I could put on a canvas.

After a half-hour of attempts and joking with my friends later, Ophelia announced that the class was almost over and that anyone who wanted to show the class their work could. We had an unspoken rule that no negative comments would be given to the presenter unless they asked for it, and even then, the comments would be kept respectful.

A few people went up and talked about the creative liberties they took and the things they knew they needed to work on. They all looked really good and I really liked how no two people's paintings looked the same. That was the beauty of art.

"Those were all beautiful pieces of art and forms of expression. Now, is there anyone else that wants to share with the class before we leave?" Ophelia offered, her kind aged eyes peering out at the class through her glasses.

"I'd like to go," Addison's voice said from beside me as he picked up his easel and carried it to the very front of the class. A smile played on Ophelia's face as I noticed Lilliana pull her phone out of her pocket and point it at Addison.

Addison turned the easel so that it was facing him as he set his canvas on it. "Hey, everyone," he greeted, though there was a nervous edge in his voice that caused red flags to go off in my head. "I, um, decided to paint something other than the prompt for today. I've actually been working on it for a while now and today it's finally done." His eyes found mine and the corners of his lips turned up. "I came to this class through my boyfriend, Tyler, who many of you know. But many of you don't know our story and the struggle as to how we got here. We've been through a lot. But through it all, we've had each other. Every day for the past five years with a love that not that many people have." As he spoke, my heart fluttered. I knew Addison was one for big gestures, from kissing me on the football field in high school to writing one of his final papers about our love story, but this seemed so out of the blue. Not that I minded.

"So, Tyler, baby, I made this for you." He beckoned me to the front of the class to where his easel was still turned to face him. I made my way to the front, my curiosity piqued. He took my hand once I made it to the front before he used the other to flip over his painting so we could all see it. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes took it in. The canvas was covered in various pictures of the highlights of our relationship together, from our kiss on the football field to the night I asked him to be my boyfriend, to our trip to Disney, and countless other memories that chronicled our relationship and how hard yet beautiful our journey had been.

"Romeo," I lightly breathed as I took my time taking it all in. I heard a couple of gasps behind me as my eyes continued going down until I made it to the bottom of the canvas that was blank, likely so we could add more memories later on.

"Tyler," Addison softly said, causing my attention to go back to him. "You are the most important person in my life. From the moment I met you, you've managed to make me feel things that I didn't even know were possible. You've celebrated my victories with me and mourned my losses. You gave me love when I didn't feel like I deserved it. You gave my life a new purpose, and I'm so beyond lucky to be the person you wake up next to every morning and say 'I love you' to every night." Tears filled my eyes as I caught on to what was happening. My heart was racing and my knees were weak, but all I could do was focus on the man I loved in front of me.

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