21. Secret Dates

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^in addition to the quote of the chapter, I attached "Falling For You" by Jaden Smith ft Justin Bieber because it captures the vibe of the last part of the chapter and is just an overall bop. You're welcome in advance^

"Seriously, Mr. Byrne, you need to teach me how to make this someday," I said before I took another bite of the breakfast omelet Ian's dad had made for me. "This is literally heaven on a plate."

"Come on, Addison, don't flatter him too much," Ian said with a groan, causing his dad to shove him.

"No, Addison, keep flattering me. I don't think my ego is at capacity."

I chuckled as Ian shoved his father back. Mr. Byrne was fairly young– only 38, a few years younger than my own parents–and he and Ian were extremely close. They had to be since Ian's mom died from complications related to the birth of his sister when Ian was about two. Unfortunately, like his mother, his sister had died during delivery. But despite the tragedy and having to raise Ian on his own, Mr. Byrne was doing exceptionally well. His wife's death had prompted him to become a lawyer–since Ian was born while Mr. Byrne was still in school– due to the family's lawyer losing the case against the hospital for malpractice that led to Ian's mom's death. He didn't want any other family to deal with the pain he had.

"Alright, let's go, Addi. We need to head out if we're going to make it to school on time." Ian threw his backpack over his shoulder before he took one final monstrous bite of the omelet, shallowing it down with ease.

"Thank you for letting me spend the weekend and making breakfast, Mr. Byrne. I really do appreciate it," I said as I copied Ian's actions, but instead of swallowing my food down like Ian had, I simply put it in a paper bowl and covered it with clear wrap so I could eat it on the way to school.

Mr. Byrne scoffed. "Addison, there's no need to thank me! You're family around here, so you're more than welcome to stay any time you'd like."

His words brought a slight grin to my face. In everything that had been happening lately, it felt good to know that outside of my family, Ian and his dad were a constant.

Mr. Byrne approached Ian and ruffled his hair, causing Ian to whine in annoyance. "Alright, squirt. I'll see you when I get home. I might be home a bit later than usual so I can prep for this case, but I'll let you know. Love you."

Ian narrowed his eyes at his dad as he smoothed out his hair. "Yeah, yeah, love you too, or whatever, old man."

Mr. Byrne chuckled before he waved us off, his smile matching that of his son's.

I followed Ian down to the subway station and onto our train, savoring every bite of my omelet as Ian gave me encouraging words every so often. Ever since I'd revealed my situation to him last night, he'd been extra supportive, and though I usually didn't like sympathy from others, it helped make me feel...grounded.

As we walked into the school, a feeling of anxiety–which I was becoming good acquaintances with–filled me. At the party, Kyra got a glimpse at the power a mere gaze held over me and, if she was the same revenge hungry girl she'd been in the gym, she was fiending off of my helplessness. What was stopping her and her friends from outing me to the school now that she knows how terrified she makes me?

The whole thing made my head spin and my lungs burn as if I'd inhaled water.

Reading my expression, Ian slung his arm across my shoulders and held me in a side hug. I couldn't help but remember the first time Tyler had done that and I freaked out because I was afraid it was "too gay". Tyler and I were good together. No, no, no, I couldn't start thinking about us in past tense. Tyler and I are good together.

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