We dig holes in the earth to find Bella but she vanished from Earth. Then she surely is on Titan planet we need to borrow a Benatar from Tony and Nebula. I haven't slept well for days Bella has told me about Braxton who raped her three years ago, she has been captured again and I doubt his presence.

Sitting lazily in my office, the video of Bella's car leaving the mall and speeding up on roads played on loop. I tried to find something in it but nothing worked, when we track the car, we found it in an empty warehouse.

The car only disappeared between an old bridge leading to a rural area and the warehouse. It stopped there for less than 10 minutes. That means they changed the car from there so we tracked every car which led that route.

But things got worse, we tracked all the cars after they crossed the bridge but they left different destinations and we found nothing. Some got to the office, houses, parks, and clubs.

Trimming the video where it disappeared from our eyes because rural areas don't have many cameras working. Continued staring at the video, I noted every moment "We have to do something we can't just let her there with those fuckers but what we can do? Maya, are you even listening or just staring at the screen?" Lucas complained.

Bentley Bentayga in black brand new but with fake car details according to the nameplate. Both cars' original models polished and took a turn towards the bridge. After ten minutes arrived and entered the warehouse. Then something caught my eyes zooming on the screen I distinguished between both the cars. "I know you love black cars but it's not the time for it..." Lucas huffed peeping on the screen

"Can you just tape your mouth or do you want me to do it..." giving him a glare I turned back to the screen. We all are stressed because of this incident Marco crashed the offices and increased the workload on the maids. Every day he breaks something I don't blame him because I have also broken my window glass, office desk, bedroom side lamp, bathroom glass, and ....... other things. But I don't break my work-related things because it takes time to get backups but he doesn't care.

Examining both the cars I noticed the car which left the mall had a modified alloy wheel rim but the car which left to warehouse had the original Bentley wheel rim. This means the first car didn't leave the rural area it was left inside the farming area. Explaining the difference, he just demotivated me more.

"That's good observation and knowledge about cars but here we have hectares of rural area. Including hills and vineyards so what do you want us to do dig holes or burn the areas? He could have captured underground or on a hilltop" sighing he sipped some coffee. A message popped on Lucas's phone, he looked up at me confused then opened the message which was a video clipping.

"I think you guys don't love her life because if you do then I wonder why is it taking time to sign the papers. And who is this Maya she's so confident that she surely will find her. Send her also with the papers Marco I would love to taste her as well. Don't waste our precious time or I will utilize it raping your sister till she dies, then parcels her body into small pieces." Squeezing Bella's cheeks he hissed "You only have 18 hours and your time starts.... Now" petting her head he ended the video with a smirk plastered on his face.

Isabella's face looked drained with some cuts and buries across her face, I will chop their hands off for doing such a horrible thing. "Who is this guy?" I asked Lucas, he closed the video and replied "He's Braxton... Zayn's second in command. He used to be friends with Marco but when his father was caught stealing drug supplies Marco punished him. Braxton felt humiliated and left but he soon joined Zayn to get his revenge and raped Bella." I know the rest. It would have been like a dejavu for Bella the same man and the same threat.

I glimpsed at the video and her pale face losing hope broke my heart into pieces. "Let's get something to eat then we will do some reckless thing to get her back" I wasn't hungry but at the mention of food, I was now. Passing the hallway we heard the sound of glass breaking from Marco's room which justified that he also got the video. I thought to give him space and walked down getting some leftover Fettucine and a few drinks to ease the developed anxiety.

Since Marco rarely eats on time these days and sometimes even forgets to eat, I decided to get him Fettucine as well. Filling the bowl Lucas and I walked inside his office talking about what we should do to trap them and get their location. Opening the door of his office no one was there but the broken glass was still on the floor.

Lucas called a maid to clean it and opened the restroom door of the office while I placed the bowl on his table. He froze at the site I peeped inside and he tried to stop me, "Maya don't..." but I already saw it. Marco screwing Amara was a quite painful view Lucas closed the door and helped me to sit on the couch as my system was jammed and I felt numb. 


Hey readers, Thank you for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed this, please let me know in the comments section. I'd appreciate any suggestions you have regarding improvement or things you want to be included in this story. Follow me and stay connected for more such chapters and stories. Have a nice day ❤

Text copyright © Tanushree Sarkar™ 2022

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