"What's up?" He asked, meeting my eyes.

"Oh, nothing." I said, reassuringly, scooting out of the booth, "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back." I said, holding up my hand. I hurried to the back of the building, sneaking out the kitchen door. I circled the side of the building, seeing the vampire from earlier looking around as she slinked down the sidewalk. I didn't see anyone else with her so I reached out, grabbing her arm and yanking her into the alley. She let out a gargled screech as I covered her mouth. I pulled my knife out of my back pocket, flicking it open and slicing off her head. She fell to the ground and I felt a hand lay on my shoulder. I whirled around seeing three more vampires. "Fuck!" I muttered to myself. I took a step back.

"(Y/n)?" A gruff voice called behind me. I glanced back. Dean was behind me. I gritted my teeth in anger. Why the hell did he have to follow me?! Someone piques my interest for 5 minutes and they're already a liability.

"Dean, stay behind me." I called.

"Are those Vampires?!" He asked, coming closer. I heard a familiar clinking sound as Dean no doubt pulled out a blade.

"How the hell do you know that?!" I asked.

"Stop with the chit chat." The vampire in the middle said, "You've killed enough of us, we can't let you out of here alive." The vampires ran at us, I sliced off the first one's throat, not getting all the way through as I was knocked to the ground. I slid my gun out of my waistband, shooting it in the chest, stunning it. I pushed it off, scampering over to get my knife. Dean had beheaded one of them, but was having a tough time with the other. I beheaded the one I had stunned and shot the one giving Dean a hard time, giving him a jump on beheading it. Something grabbed my shoulder and I whirled around only to get punched in the face by a vampire. I landed on the hard pavement and the vampire leaned over me. It was about to bite into my neck when someone beheaded it. I pushed the now limp body off of me and looked up, seeing a tall man with brown hair holding a machete. He held out his hand and I took it, appreciating the help.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Sam, Dean's brother." He said with a sweet smile. I looked behind me, seeing Dean wiping the blood off his shirt.

"This is the buzzkill?" I asked.

"Really, Dean?" Sam asked, looking behind me. Dean let out a laugh.

"At least I didn't tell her you were an asshole." Dean said with a smile.

"Oh calm down you two." I said, "You guys want to watch a movie?" I offered. The boys laughed as we all tucked our weapons away.

"That actually sounds really nice." Dean said, holding out his hand. I took it.

"I'll take you both to the motel." Sam said. We all headed to Dean's car and Sam drove. Dean and I were sitting in the backseat, laughing as we talked.

"So how long have you been a hunter?" Dean asked.

"All my life." I said, looking up at him, "Family business since the 20s."

"Damn." Sam said from the front seat, I let out a laugh.

"I take it you didn't choose this life?" I said.

"We were raised in it too, after our mom died." Dean said with a sad smile. I brought his hand to my lips, pressing a kiss into his knuckles. He laid his arm around my shoulder. Sam pulled into the motel parking lot.

"Our room or yours?" Dean asked.

"Mine is fine, but I have to warn you, it's a mess."

"I guarantee ours is worse." Sam said with a smile. I unlocked the door, heading in and picking my clothes off the floor, tossing my clothes back in my suitcase. Sam and Dean took deep breaths, sitting on the queen bed. Dean turned on the TV, flipping to the movie channel. I sat between them, laying back on the bed. Dean and Sam both laid on either side of me.

Pretty Boy: Dean Winchester x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora