#3. The Girl Who Was Afraid

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This book is likely the best I have read in years as far as grammar issues are concerned. Even professionals have things that slip past their editors. Yet I saw no issues. It does not mean there was not something I missed because nobody is perfect.
Cerise would have much more issues with the dust as a physical representation of germs in my opinion than you showed. I liked the fact she made Dr. Harper maintain a distance from her room because it was in character for her mental state. It was missing for most of their interaction and should have been worst with Dr. Robinson, since she did not know him and he did not have her uncle's okay. She suffered the closeness with her uncle, but she would have demanded distance from two strangers or expressed the desire in thoughts or actions.
There is no way that a fourteen-year-old female in that scenario would remain alone in that time and place. It is conceivable for a male, but never for a female below her middle twenties. However, I grant you an artistic license for this inconsistency. All other historical details seemed accurate.
I loved your plot and read much more than I needed for my review. I will definitely continue reading your story.

Shut Up and ReviewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora