chapter eleven

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request by Soul-evaporated

Max had spent the night with El at the cabin, as it was the first day of spring break, now being driven home by Hopper early Saturday morning.
She waved the chief goodbye as she made her way over to the front door, hearing the car start as she went inside.

Their parents weren't home, but it was no surprise to Max. Putting her bag into her room, she fell down on her bed.
The girl didn't know if Billy was home or not, but if he wasn't there was no need to check. He probably went on a date or something, so she would have time to fix her skateboard before he came home.

After about an hour or so, the front door opened and closed, and Max peaked her head outside to see Billy standing in the hallway, kicking off his shoes.

„Morning! Where have you been?" she smiled, and Billy sighed, coming towards her as she waved him over.
„Just been out to get some stuff" he explained, lifting a shopping bag into the air Max didn't see at first.
„Ohh what did you get?" she asked, sitting on the bed and patting down on the mattress next to her.
Billy sat down, hesitating and just pushing the bag in her arms, too embarrassed to tell her.

When the redhead looked inside the plastic bag, she cooed in awe at the sight of some colouring books and crayons, sticker sheets, various candies and a new pack of diapers since they were almost out. Billy had started to wear them more regularly as he found it easy to regress when he was wearing them, and Max didn't mind.

„You've been baby shopping without me?" she gasped playfully, and Billy rolled his eyes at her.
„You weren't here! And also I didn't think you wanted to come..." he admitted, head lowered a little.
Max raised an eyebrow at the sudden mood change.

„Why wouldn't I want to come with you? I love taking care of you, and that includes getting you stuff for your small time" she smiled, carefully taking Billy's hand.
„But I'm not a real baby..." the blond whispered, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Max cooed and pulled the other in for a hug, petting his hair.
„What do you mean, sweetheart?"
Billy hiccuped, hiding his face in the crook of his sisters neck.
„Should act like an adult...Not a baby...I should take care of you, not the other way around" he said, quiet tears streaming down his face.

Max sighed, sitting up and making the boy look up at her.
„Listen to me, silly. I love taking care of you, you're the reaaalest baby ever, okay? Don't let those icky thoughts get in your way of being happy, yeah? You're the cutest little boy ever" the girl said, proudly acknowledging that Billy stopped crying and now blushed slightly.

„P'omise?" he asked, holding out his pinky. Max locked their fingers, kissing the boys hand as she did so.
„Promise, sweetheart. Let's get you comfy and I will baby you all day long, okay?" she grinned, and Billy kicked his legs in excitement as he nodded.

Max went over to Billy's room, getting the oversized sweater he usually wore, as well as changing supplies and his pacifier and stuffie.
Then she returned, helping Billy change into the sweater, before leaving the room so he could change himself.
He was able to do that himself most times, and they had an agreement that Max would only help him if he was absolutely not able to do it, because Billy didn't feel comfortable with it.

When the boy called for her again, Max went back inside, smiling at her little brother sitting crisscross on the bed.
„Alright babyboy, how old are you" she cooed, sitting back down with him.
Billy held out three fingers, and Max nodded.
„Such a big boy! Do you want to color one of your new colouring books, love?" she smiled, and Billy excitedly pulled out a car themed one as well as the crayons.

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