chapter six

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request from Soul-evaporated
sorry this took a bit to come out, i've been a bit busy xd

When Billy woke up on the first morning of a new school year, he groaned, turning in bed and procrastinated to get up for at least another twenty minutes.

His head shot up though, when Max furiously knocked on his door.
„Come on Billy, we have to get going! I don't want to be late!" she yelled through the door, and Billy whined slightly, doing as she said and getting ready.
About ten minutes later, the both of them sat in Billy's car, windows rolled down and the boy with a cigarette in hand.

„Sorry for yelling earlier, but you totally would've slept in" Max laughed, looking over at her brother, wo only gave her a nod.
When they got to school, Max grabbed the boys arm, worry in her eyes.
„Are you alright Bills? You didn't say a word all morning" she stated, and Billy shifted uncomfortably under her stare.

„Am fine, just tired" he managed to get out, but Max's worry only grew.
She got closer to her brother so no one else would hear them.
„Are you feeling small, Bills?" she whispered, and the boy whined quietly, nodding a little.

„But not too small, I think I'll be fine" he admitted, and Max hummed in agreement.
„We can chill at home later if you want, but now you got to be a big boy, yeah?" she smiled, and the blond nodded, walking towards the school after Max let go of his arm.

The girl looked after him, still worried but there was nothing she could do as they were in separate buildings all day.

Time flew past Max, and when the last bell that day rang, she jumped off her seat and hurried to get outside, skating over the parking lot towards her brother, who was chatting to Robin and Steve while waiting for her.

„Hey Bills" she smiled, stopping her board and picking it up in a swift motion.
„Hai" Billy squealed, and Max eyes widened in shock, glancing over to the others, who seemingly didn't notice the slightly higher pitched voice of the boy.

„Welp, let's get going shall we" Steve said, Robin nodding and coming after him, likely to get to their shift at Scoops.

„Billy, how old are you?" Max asked, looking around to make sure no one would hear them.
„I'm eighteen, Max" he said, clearing his throat uncomfortably as he also had also noticed his slip up.

The redhead nodded, not completely convinced by her brother.
„Okay, then let's get home" she said, getting into the car without another word.

The drive home was silent once again, Max side eyeing Billy from time to time, noticing him chewing on his bottom lip.
The girl quickly unlocked the door when they go to their house, putting a hand on Billy's back as she led him inside.

„Alright, do you have anything planned for today?" she asked, turning around after putting their jackets up on the hanger.

But when she saw her brother already having a thumb in his mouth, she sighed, realised he'd just have another little afternoon.
„Okay sweetheart, you know I don't want you having your thumb in your mouth without washing your hands, so please go and wash them or get your paci" she smiled, but that smile quickly faded when Billy stomped his foot on the ground and shook his head.

„Billy, that wasn't a question" she said more sternly, but her brother still didn't do as she told him, instead walking into his room, Max hurrying after him.
She watched him open up the pack of cigarettes and pull one out, replacing his thumb with it.

As he was searching through his pockets, Max snatched the cig from him.
„Darling, you know you're not allowed to smoke while you're little" she said, but Billy just rolled his eyes at her, grabbing another one.

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