and he wasn't sure if it was the exhaustion or if eddies brain just decided to shut off but that might've been the best sleep of his life.


through the weekend eddie went to the car dump two more times. he already let out his feelings of anger, sadness and everything that might've been bundled up in his dam of emotions but it just felt good smashing something. if he didn't, he thought he might've just went to steves house and beat the shit out of him. and as much as eddie would love that, he wasn't prepared to wind up like his dad.

but on a monday eddie wished he had a car and that metal rod in front of him at all times because he didn't think he could stand to look at steve. he knew he was gonna have multiple classes with him and that thought alone made him want to smash his head against the lockers.

and wouldn't you know it, the very first class that was geography, eddie had with steve. he swore up and down that man switched his schedule so he could annoy eddie as much as he could.

but eddie was at least thankful that steve sat on the opposite side of the room. at least that way he could restrain himself from lunging at the boy and ripping his head off.

eddie made sure there were people already in the class when he went in. he didn't want to have another alone conversation with harrington, especially one that would most likely end up in eddie being beat up.

yes yes, eddie did want to punch steve but he knew damn well that the latter was stronger than him and if he wanted to, would beat the shit out of him. but apparently steve didn't hate him that much yet.


eddie tried his best to focus on the lesson. and it might be true that eddie wasn't particularly good at geography but he could at least try since he knew he'd fail otherwise.

though, it was hard to focus on the teacher when a certain someone was burning holes into the side of his head. he obviously knew who it was so he spared no attention to the boy but with time it was getting increasingly difficult to not look at his direction. eddie almost felt a sting in his head, like steve was actually burning a laser at him.

so curiosity won. eddie turned his head, not to fast but apparently it wasn't slow enough for steve to not have enough time to look away. for a few seconds they just looked at each other and eddie thought that he sensed something similar to guilt in steves eyes.

but he might as well imagine it, steves eyes have always been a poker face to him. whenever he smiled his eyes remained the same as they always do. almost emotionless. the last time eddie saw steves 'real face' was most likely that night.

but he couldn't stare at him for long because steve looked away in embarrassment. eddie just rolled his eyes. if you wanna stare at me at least be unapologetic about it.

so eddie went on with the lesson, only occasionally noticing the other boy was looking at him for a second before he turned away. but the class was soon over so eddie didn't have to deal with steves burning look any longer.

as quick as he could, he packed up his stuff and hurried out of the classroom, going out of the school and to the smoking place. he couldn't bare to spend another second around steve. plus, he desperately needed a smoke to cool his mind.

his usual friends weren't there so he just smoked by himself and he wasn't really mad about it. some quiet time was good for him.

slowly putting out the cigarette he returned to the school and headed to his math class, a few people inside already but no steve. eddie was relieved, he hopped he wouldn't come at all.

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