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it was only 2 pm but eddie was frantically searching for his swim shorts, throwing all of his clothes out of the closet.

"son" wayne had emerged from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand, he had woken up just a little before eddie got home. "what'cha doing?" he asked, leaning on the door frame.

"can't find my swim shorts, i've looked everywhere and i can't find them" he kept on searching everywhere, throwing his drawers open. wayne furrowed his eyebrows "swim shorts? why you need those?"

eddie paused, realizing he should probably tell wayne about what happened. he had a suspicion that wayne probably hated steve for what happened. "oh umm... you know how i told you that steve outed me to the entire school?" he was scraching the back of his neck, a nervous giggle playing on his lips. "yeah so it turns out he didn't actually. it was some stupid kid called tommy h.. apparently he saw me kissing that mason guy i told you 'bout."

wayne took a sip of his coffee with his eyebrows raised. "okay well i'm glad to know that that steve guy isn't an asshat but what does that have to do with you not finding your swim shorts? which are right over there by the way" he was pointing towards a small red piece of fabric that was peaking out the big pile of clothes.

eddie slapped his forehead, grabbing the shorts and thanking wayne. putting his clothes back he explained "well, after we found out what happened we started hanging out again and he invited me over to swim."

"is this a date?" wayne questioned seemingly curious. the man never tried to pry, he always said that people know to much of others business. "no no, oh my god no" eddie was waving his hands frantically. "no, i mean, he's great and all but steve's extremely staright, very much into girls."

pushing himself off the door frame, wayne finished his last sip of coffee "you never know, people might surprise you." and with that, he just turned away and left eddie questioning many stuff.

what does that mean?

he sprinted to the shower. he wanted to be as ready as he could be. don't wanna be smelling at the pool.

and even though eddie wasn't someone who put to much effort into his looks he at least had to look presentable. so for the first time in a while he styled his hair, still keeping his luscious curls but this time putting them in a loose ponytail, few strands falling out, shaping his face.

he sprayed some cologne on himself and slipped on some shorts and an ac/dc sleeveless shirt, looking himself in the mirror again before taking all of the stuff he needs. he said godbye to wayne and left with his bike.

it wasn't to long of a ride but eddie had to make a mental note to get a cheap car for himself when he saved up a little. he never wanted to take waynes van because the man needs it for work so he usually got in some exercise on the bike. he just hoped he won't be to sweaty when he gets to steves.

and since eddie didn't even check the time before he left he was an hour early. he kept checking his watch as if that's gonna make time move forward. i mean, steve did say he can be early if he wants. maybe he could help steve prepare some stuff. god why was he so nervous.

mustering some courage he finally rang the door bell, hearing a "coming!" from upstairs and what sounded like steve running made eddie giggle.

opening the door steve looked at eddie for a second, realizing the boy was early and smiled widely before wrapping his arms around the boy. "you came!" steve squealed like a little girl as he wrapped eddie in a tight hug.

to say the least, eddie was surprised and took a second before wrapping his arms around steves waist hugging him close. he whiffed in steves scent of sweet cologne, it smelled like honey and cookies. eddie kind of wanted to eat steve in that moment.

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