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stepping out of his trailer, eddies face was met with the cool morning breeze of spring, making him shiver. regretting he didn't grab a jacket he took the cigarette from behind his ear and lit it in his hand, taking a puff before releasing it into the air.

it was currently 7 am and he had to get to school but he wasn't to bothered, sleep still in his eyes as he smoked. he'll get there eventually. he wrapped his free arm around his body, rubbing his bicep.

putting out the small stubble of the cigarette, he returned inside to get ready. he slipped on his standard black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt with 'hellfire' print in the middle.

after he brushed his teeth, he combed his hair with his fingers, puffing it a little to give it more volume, which wasn't completely necessary since his hair was already pretty fluffy. his brown curls shaped his face nicely as they laid infront of his shoulders.

he threw on his black leather jacket and layered it with a jeans vest, slipping on a bunch of big rings of different designs and  grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.

locking the door behind him he figured he might as well walk to the bus station and catch a bus so he didn't have to walk all the way to school. eddie wasn't a big fan of walking, especially in the cold. he hated how red his nose got.

stepping on the half empty bus he sat towards the back and rested his legs on the seat next to him.

it hadn't been a minute before he felt someone push his head forward from behind. he slowly turned around, anger bubbling inside him. his eyes fell on none other than tommy h., the notorious jock/eddies bully.

"munson! " he laughed leaning on the head rest of eddies seat.

"tommy. mommy didn't drop you to school today?" eddie snarked, not bothering to look up as he already knew that stupid wide grin on tommys face was present.

"you do know i have my own car right? couldn't say the same for you munson" he laughed out. eddie had to say, tommy had the ugliest laugh out of all his friends. it was sort of a mix of a pig and a clown. "besides, it's in the car shop."

"yeah okay, whatever sweetheart" eddie sighed, not wanting to deal with this bullshit. he just grabbed his backpack and walked to the front of the bus, sitting in one of the chairs, momentarily glancing back to see if tommy stayed in his seat.

realizing he's not gonna be bothering him for the rest of the ride, eddie relaxed and looked out the window staring at the blurry trees as they passed them.

finally arriving to the school parking lot, eddie quickly got off the bus and speed walked to the entrance as to not be more bothered by the annoying guy on the bus.

for once in his life he was early, though only for about 10 minutes. he decided to just go to his history class and wait in his seat. usually no one was there early.

stepping in the classroom he was yet to notice a person present near the door. only when he sat down across the room he jumped from surprise as a grinning figure was staring at him. " jesus christ" he shook his head as he looked at a brunette boy that was still staring at him.

"not with your usual group of dickheads harrington?" eddie leaned his head against the wall behind him as he stared at the ceiling, fully not expecting for the other to reply.

"nah, tommy's car is in the shop so he not here yet" he sighed, almost imitating eddies pose, head thrown back.

"yeah, he made my bus ride very lovely." eddie couldn't stand the burning look his classmate was throwing his way. "sorry, do you really have to stare at me like that steve? i know you hate my guts but it's rude to stare" he barked.

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