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this time the first one to wake was eddie. the sudden urge to pee was strong at 6 am and he was thinking of ways to push steve off him without disrupting him. he already turned off the alarm that only woke him and not steve up.

slowly he untangled himself from steves grasp, the other only groaning for a moment before hugging a pillow eddie was laying on and falling back into his slumber. eddie smiled at how adorable steve looked as he slept, how peaceful he seemed.

he went to the bathroom to do his business and then took a quick shower, changing back into his clothes from yesterday. he peeked into steves room to see if the other had woken up but he was still sleeping.

"hey sleeping beauty, time to wake up" he gently shook his shoulders as he sat by the edge of steves bed. he tucked a strand of the hair that has fallen on steves face behind his ear and just stared at him.

he moved slightly, groaning in the process and hugged eddies waist, resting his head on one of his thighs. "clingy aren't we" eddie giggled at how child like steve was in the morning. truly just want to take him and put him in a pocket and carry him around near his heart.

"mmm" was the only thing steve let out as he hugged eddie. he was trying to bring eddie as close as he could but in the process somehow managed to slip one of his hands under eddie shirt. eddie gasped slightly, steves hands were cold touching his skin but it felt so sweet and nice, eddie didn't want to move.

and steve being steve he started doing the thing he does most, rubbing circles into eddies skin. only this part of his body wasn't so used to being touched so he freaked out on the inside. steves face was pressed against his tummy and eddie could barely keep from kissing steve as he breathed into him.

"umm, steve?"eddie patted his head though he figured that would just lull him back to sleep so he stopped. "think you should get up, we gotta get ready for school." steve sighed and lifted his head to look at eddie "what time is it?" "eddie looked at the alarm clock "it's 6:30."

steves head fell back into eddies lap before he slowly sat up, his hands still around eddies waist under the shirt. eddie found this oddly loving and sweet, how he couldn't let him go.

looking at him for a moment steve decided he'll pull eddie in a cuddle so he leaned back and took eddie with him, hugging him close. eddie shrieked before letting out a laugh "stevee, come on! we gotta get up!"

but god, he was not going to complain about this little situation they were in. he loved it way to much for his own good. but he wasn't going to let steve know that. "in a minute. come on, morning cuddles are the best" steve laughed into eddies ear, his voice even lower than it usually is in the morning.

"can't argue that" eddie leaned back into steves embrace, almost feeling himself falling asleep. but before he could let it all go he shook his head and forcefully got out of steves arms. "as much as i love this little cuddle sesh you really gotta get ready. come on, i'll make breakfast."

and with that eddie left down to the kitchen when he made sure steve got up. he grabbed some stuff to make some grilled sandwiches for them and started cooking. he heard the shower running from upstairs so steve did not infact go back to sleep.

he was squeezing some oranges for the juice when he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist. he jumped a little, not expecting steve to be finished to quickly. "you're oddly domesticated with your best friend. what would you crush think" eddie joked.

he was in a better mood today. maybe he's accepted his fate already or just didn't care. steve was still hugging him and he wasn't going to say no to him. "pretty sure he doesn't like me like that. but i think he'd be okay with it. besides, am i not allowed to hug my best friend?" eddie could practically hear the little puppy eyes steve made at him as he rested his head on eddies shoulder.

Blush - SteddieWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu