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"steve, would you mind if i call wayne? just to let him know where i am." eddie never wanted his uncle to worry about him, he was stressed enough as it is.

"oh yeah for sure" steve smiled as he took out a few drinks "want a beer?" eddie thought about it for a second and decided he wouldn't mind it so he nodded before calling wayne.

"hey wayne, it's eddie."

"oh hi son, where you callin' from?"

"steves. robin and i came over to his to study."

"and sleep over!" steve shouted from the kitchen.

"and apparently sleep over. just wanted to let you know"

"alright. well hope you're all safe. guess i'll see ya tomorrow."

"yeah, see you."

he hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen "didn't know we all decided to have a sleep over." "actually, it's just you and steve. vickie is picking me up later, we have a date night planned" robin smiled sweetly as steve and eddie awed at her.

"all right then, when did steve decide to have a sleep over?" eddie joked, loving the fact that he might get to cuddle steve again. "just now" steve proclaimed as he took out some snacks and gave eddie a beer. he giggled a little as he thanked steve and opened the beer.

they decided to just study at the isle so they got their textbooks out as robin babbled about her girlfriend. "robin as much as i love to listen to you being in love with vickie we really do need to study" steve interrupted her. "right right, sorry" she giggled and got into it with the boys.

they decided to just work on biology since that's what robin was best at. eddie picked the stuff up quite quickly but steve needed a little more explaining but eventually got it as well. he figured out it's easier to study for him if he draws everything out so his notes looked really colorful and almost like a children's book for biology.

they ate all of the snacks and were all still hungry so steve decided to order pizza, now only having to order two. no little shits screaming he's starving them.

soon robin had to leave because vickie was already waiting for her at the door and trying to hurry her so they don't miss the reservation. apparently they went to the only gay restaurant that was in town. eddie only went there once with some rich guy but it didn't really work out to nicely for eddie. he didn't like to reminiscent about the times.

so, it was now only eddie and steve trying to study. they were both on their second beer so they couldn't totally focus on the subject infront of them. deciding they've studied enough for the day they closed their textbooks and drank the rest of their beers talking about robin and vickie for a little while. then they switched the topic to music and to the memories they used to share.

"i remember when you got a bunch of stuff for your birthday and the most excited you've gotten was at that obsidian ring i got for you. it was such a small and simple thing but you were so happy with it. it was so adorable" steve giggled and eddie just smiled and showed his hand with the ring on one of his fingers.

steves eyes grew wide as he grabbed eddies hand, looking at the ring "holy shit you've kept it?" "of course i kept it. it's literally my favorite possession" eddie smiled at how gently steve held his hand even after he was done with inspecting it.

"that actually makes me so happy. i felt so shit after bastian got you that metallica shirt, it seemed like my ring was not comparable to it" steve smiled at eddie, his eyes lidded as he stared at him. "i mean, don't get me wrong, that gift was fucking amazing but the ring made me so happy and i have no idea why. maybe 'cause it came from you" eddie wiggled his eyebrows at steve who giggled "yeah it was definitely that."

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