Blake's birthday/11th Broversary part 1

Start from the beginning

Scribble_Maxwell: "speaking of which, I know we agreed that we wouldn't be planning anything until after college but, would it count if we were to discuss our actual 'wedding day' at least? Because I don't know if we've discussed it yet."

Golden_Kay: "um.. I don't think it does.. I don't see a problem with that."

Scribble_Maxwell: "Aight! That's good, because I do have a date in mind."

Golden_Kay: "really? What is it?"

Scribble_Maxwell: well.. considering usually it takes about maybe a few months or maybe even longer for people to prepare for a wedding, I had actually put quite a bit of thought into it. Because when we graduate it will probably be like... I don't know... Late may - Early June of 2028.. because it would've done college for 4 years... So then if that's the case.. I'm thinking... September 15th? Of 2028 I mean...  So depending on when school ends, that would give us about.. 3 or 4 months to prepare. What do you think about it?"

Golden_Kay: "hmm that seems like a decent amount of time. Yeah! I like that Idea! You've really put a lot of thought Into this, haven't you?"

Scribble_Maxwell: "Yeah, I have. And I can't wait until the day I get to make you my wife. ~❤️💕 Even if I have to wait for 4 years."

Golden_Kay: "Awww you are so sweet."

Scribble_Maxwell: "yeah, I try. Anyways, are you excited about Thursday?

Golden_Kay: "of course I am! This party is gonna be awesome! It was nice of drew to throw Blake a pool party at his Mansion."

Scribble_Maxwell: "agreed! Have you figured out a gift for him yet?"

Golden_Kay: "you know... I actually haven't really thought about it too much.. what about you?"

Scribble_Maxwell: "yeah, me neither... But I'm pretty sure I'll figure something out."

Golden_Kay: "I'm sure you will too! I believe in you babe!"

Scribble_Maxwell: "Thanks Kaitlyn.. you are amazing."

Golden_Kay: "yeah no problem! Hey btw, I have to go now.. my phone's about to die."

Scribble_Maxwell: "aww, already? But we had just started talking... 🥺"

Golden_Kay: "I know... But I will text you later.. okay? And I'll see you Thursday at the party."

Scribble_Maxwell: "oh, okay then! I love you my 'soon to be bride in 4 years'. ~❤️💕"

Golden_Kay: "I love you too my amazing fiancé. ~❤️💕"

Scribble_Maxwell: "😘"

Golden_Kay: "😘"

*Maxwell puts his phone down. and as soon as his eyes left his  phone screen, Anxiety starts rushing*

Maxwell: Shit! I have no idea.. what to get Blake! *He says to himself out loud* Fuck! What am I going to do?! *Begins freaking out alittle*

*Suddenly Lily enters the bedroom and sees her currently anxious twin brother*

Lily: Hey bro... Are you doing okay? You look stressed. *She says with a concerned voice*

Maxwell: huh? *Turns around to look at lily* o-oh! Yeah.. I'm fine. I'm just... Having trouble figuring out what to get Blake for his birthday.

Lily: is that it? It's no big deal. I'm pretty sure whatever you get him would be fine.

Maxwell: gee, that's helpful.. *he says sarcastically* what are you getting him?

Lily: I'm getting him a new phone because he's told me countless times that the one he has now is quite old.. and it hasn't been working as well as it used to.

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