1. Is it anger, or the inability to accept that you're wrong?

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Luca's POV:

"Luca..." My best friend, Jonathan, sighed. "You can't keep doing this."
"Doing what, exactly?" I ask, a nasty smirk on my face.

I've always been the 'care-free' 'no-regrets' type of person.
I don't care what people say when I do the shit normal people wouldn't do, I just, do it.
"You know what, c'mon Luca!" Jonathan lectured me as we walked to our class.
School was packed today, most of the students were too focused on something else to hear his yelling anyway.

I sighed and said, "Ok! Ok. But, seriously, what this time? I...may or may not have done some...shit...over the weekend, so I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about the fact that you were very high last night, very strongly intoxicated, and yet you still decided it was a good idea to drive yourself home instead of calling me!" Jonathan practically screamed into my ear as we walked through the classroom door.

"Dude, relax! It's not like I haven't done it before." I retorted, my eyes rolling up to the ceiling. Jonathan was like an older brother to me, I loved him very deeply, but he could be annoying sometimes.
"That's my point! Last time, you crashed!" Jonathan argued, lowering his voice to a harsh whisper.

Luca winced at the memory. Car lights, a loud bang, and the sound of metal hitting metal began running through his mind.
He shook the thought aside, and just rolled his eyes as the teacher walked in, greeting the class.

I tried to ignore my friend's previous comment, but it surprised me a bit more than I thought it would. It stung, that he'd even mention it.
Jonathan knew I still had nightmares about it, and he'd promised me he'd never bring it up again, but something was obviously troubling him.

Luca, who was deep in thought, was distracted when he felt a tap on his shoulder, and a small piece of folded paper fell into his lap.
He looked behind him for the origin of the paper, only to find that one annoying girl, he could never remember her name, smiling with that stupid lipstick-covered smile.
I made it obvious as I fake-smiled back at her, and carefully opened the note, so as not to alert the teacher to the distraction.

Will you go to prom with me?

So that was her name. Well, it doesn't matter because basically everyone in the school knew I'm gay. He didn't understand why Angela was even asking in the first place, it was completely pointless.
Sighing, he grabbed a pencil out of his bag and wrote back. His handwriting was terrible, he couldn't pull himself to put any effort into a rejection letter.

I don't know if you know this, or just chose not to believe it or whatever, but I'm gay. Like, I'm only into men. So, you're not my type, and I wasn't even going this year anyway. You deserve someone who you'll actually enjoy spending that time with. So, my answer is no, and please don't take this the wrong way.
my deepest apologies-'

That should get it through to her think ass head that I wasn't interested. And besides, wasn't it the men who usually ask the women to this thing? Wow, coming from me, that's so controversial. Whatever.

I sent the letter back without a second thought, and tried to focus on my notes. Before I could even get the chance to start writing though, Angela tapped on my shoulder again and tried to give me another note. I sighed and took it again, not really wanting to read it.

'I don't think you are! Homosexuality is wrong, so I'm taking you-'

I stopped reading.
"Mr. Jensen!" I called, raising my hand.
"Yes, Mr. Pines?" He answered, sighing as his class was disrupted.

"Sorry, it's just that Angela has been passing me notes, demanding I go to prom with her. And you probably already know this, but I'm gay, and I'm trying to focus on the lesson, so I'd really appreciate it if she would stop."

"Ms. Angela, if you cannot respect people's private interests, than I'm going to have to ask you to kindly make your way to the principal's office. You're disrupting my class." Mr. Jensen said, clearly upset about this new discovery of homophobia in the school.

"But, homosexuality is wrong! I'm trying to save him from an eternity in hell-" Angela argued, but Mr. Jensen interrupted her.

"If homosexuality is wrong, why are you asking Mr. Pines, the transmale boy, to go out with you? Keep this up, Angela, and you'll be doing detention this weekend. You know we don't bring our religious beliefs into the classroom, it's too controversial."

"Luca is a girl?" Angela asked, surprised.
Sighing, Mr. Jensen sent her to the principal's office. "You know we don't accept any disruption in class, especially anti-LGBTQ remarks like yours." He said, leading her out the door.

"Now! Back to the lesson..." Mr. Jensen started, but I'd stopped paying any attention. Jonathan was giving me this look, I couldn't tell what it meant.
"What?" I whispered, careful so the teacher didn't hear.

"I had no idea she was a homophobic bitch, dude!" He whispered back, laughing a bit. I knew he had dated Angela back in Sophomore year.
"I know right? Did you see the look on her face when she-"

"Mr. Pines! I understand the previous situation has upset you, but I do not tolerate any type of disruption in my class." Mr. Jensen said, clearly having seen us whispering.
"Yes, sir. Sorry." I said, bored and a bit frustrated.
I sighed. This was going to be a long day.

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