back for good

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Well the first few days have been fairly rocky meredith figured it out pretty quickly when I refused paracetamol for period cramps so I'm guessing she guessed why I left Alex doesn't know and I'm quite fond of Jo she's nice, surprised Alex could pull her not going to lie.
Being back here is so odd, everything has changed although meredith gave me a check for 15 million for some reason apparently the sued the hospital, and bought it but they kept my money.
"Hey lily, I'm off to work wanna came see if you can get your job back," Jo says opening my door.
"I'm alright thanks I just need some time to get used to seattle again," I respond.
"Ok I'm going to the store, later want me to swing by and you can come with me,"she asks, I'm guessing she knows something happened as well.
"Yeh alright, give me a call when we are leaving work and I'll be ready,"  I say, amelia has the day off mabey we could discuss somethings. Although she seems off, I'm pretty sure she is dating Owen, God I'm not a fan of that man right now. He put us on the plane that crashed, its his fault I lost lexie and Mark. Well being at home is just boring especially when amelia decided to go on a date no guessing who with, because my theory was right her and Owen, of all the men and women in the world why him. I don't know why I did it but I decided to go on a run not something I usually do but you never know might be good for me.

As I run through the park, a bland woman runs into me, if it was a man I would probably be annoyed but she is beautiful.
" Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she says helping me off the floor.
"Hey, no worries probably my fault any way," I say offering her my hand to shake it," lily, lily grey," I say as she shakes my hand.
"Maya, maya bishop, again I'm sorry for running into you," she says, as I feel something drip down my head," your bleeding," she says wiping my face with her jumper.
"It's fine," I say, what is happening, I'm straight right, or maybe I'm not.
"No, it's not let me buy you a coffee or a drink," she say sweetly.
"Um alright," I say happily.
"There's a coffee shop down the road, if you want to go now," she informs me.
"Yeh that would be great, thanks," I say following as we start to jog to this place, I'm so glad I decide to go on a run, best decision I could have made. As we get to the coffee shop it starts to rain of course it does, and we already about a 30 minute walk from my house. Hopefully it will pass.
"I recognise you," she says out of the blue.
"Really, I don't think we have met before," I say thinking back I would remember I have an photographic memory.
  "Yes you treated my brother back in 2007," she says oh my god it's her, she was like 19 at the time.
"Oh my god yeh, I recognise you now, you were like 19 at the time," I say.
"Yeh, I was, well actually I had just turned 18, but close enough, you were 15 right, your the youngest doctor in the world," she says sounding like a fan girl, it cute, she's cute, God what am I doing with my life, I can't like a girl how would amelia and meredith react this is bad  oh god no.
"Yeh, listen I have to get going, but um I'll see you around," I say going to leave.
"Wait, can I have your number," she says. I out it in her phone and start to jog back in the still pouring rain.


I'm completely soaked, I need to change before Jo gets back so I can go to Walmart with her. My phone buzzes.
,hey its maya thought I would text you.
I change her name in my contacts to maya💘 I just hope people don't look at my phone I have to keep this a secret, well for now at least.
Lily:hey did you get home safe.
Maya💘: yeh my apartment is so boring though.
Lily:my roommate's will be home soon so I won't be able to message for much longer.
Maya💘:just wondering, how old are you now.
Lily: 22, I'm guessing your 25 right.
Maya💘: yeh, 10 point for gryfindor.
Lily:I'm actually a slytherin, ill have you know.
Maya💘: oh are you, well guess what.
Maya💘:so am I.
Lily:tell me a random fact about you.
Maya💘:I won a gold medal at the Olympics. What about you.
Lily:I lived in la for the past 2 years. No one knows that, well except for my sister amelia.
Maya💘:why did you move out of Seattle.
Lily:my older sister lexie, we were on a plane coming home from a work trip to Boston, and it crashed she died and I fell into the wrong crowd, and into a deep depression so I just needed somewhere new.
Maya💘: I'm sorry.
Lily:no, I probably shouldn't be telling you that I haven't even told my family why I left doubt I ever will.
Maya💘:Well I'm glad you told me, do you want to go out for for dinner tomorrow night.
Lily:are you asking me on a date.
Maya💘:if I was would you say yes.
Lily:well if you are, yes I would love to go for dinner with you, where would you like to meet.
Maya💘:I can pick you up.
Lily: okay, I'll send you my address, what style should I go for.
Maya💘:not to casual,but not to fancy, see you soon 😘.

We end the conversation there when the rest of the house walks in.
"You ready to go to the store," Jo says.
"I'm just going to stay here," I say feeling happy again.
" your still here," Alex says shocked.
" like I said, this time I'm not going to run, I'm going to stay and face my demons, I'm back for good," I say patting his shoulder and grabing an energy drink out of the fridge.

An: I'm sorry this took so long I had major writers block do you guys like this idea of maya and Lily.

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