back at work

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It has been a few weeks since the incident and I am now allowed back to work, after being on bed rest. Lexie had taken one of the weeks off but she wasn't allowed anymore time so Alex to ok some time off we stayed at merediths as lexie didn't want us to see dad when I was like this, as last time we were there he tried to strangle me and he has also throw things at me in the past. in other words he is a mean drunk.

Lexie and meredith are finally sister well freinds at least. It appears that me almost dying brought everyone closer together.

"Lily get down here or your walking" meredith yells from the bottom of the stairs
"Alright I'm coming " I yell back
"How are you feeling, any soreness, fever, pain" meredith asks
"I'm fine can we go now" I say with a bit of attitude
"Ok let's go, oh and lexie said she'd meet us there" meredith says as she grabs her keys.the car ride was pretty silent apart from meredith checking in on me every now and again. She tells me to be careful but I doubt I'll listen.


The first few hours were pretty uneventful. Apart from the fact that I walked in on lexie and Mark doing it in an on call room. I quickly shut the door whilst I leave with a red face. I hear them laugh and then it goes back to silence, well almost.

I walk into the cafeteria and see meredith, George, izzie, Christina and Alex all eating lunch" may I join you " I ask sheepishly whilst looking at meredith." Look 4 or 5 whichever one you are, she doesn't like you but she's just to scared to tell so go away" Christina yells.
I walk away keeping my tears at bay and with a shocked expression on my face, I can't go to lexie as she is... occupied.
"What the hell yang" Alex and meredith say conspicuously.
"What I was just saying the truth, you don't like her " Christina points out
"Dumbass" Alex mumbles as he walks away to find lily.

Alex is wondering through the halls and checks all the on call rooms and walks in on lexie and Mark, it's like they were begging to be caught as they still hadn't locked the door.alex had been wondering around the hospital for about an hour when he wonded down to where he used to hang out as an intern.

He get down to where the originals as they used to call themselves used to hang out as he sees lily asleep on am old gurney he goes and sits with her until she wakes up," Hey lily, you know our shift is over" Alex says quietly as I start to wake up " can you take me home" I say sleepily. " of course I can" Alex says pushing me off the bed I laugh as I surprisingly land on my feet
"Ass " I say as I walk away
" language " Alex yells after me.

I go to the locker room and see lexie talking to some other interns they go silent as I walk in I grab my bag and tell lexie that I'll see her later I go and wait for Alex in the lobby.

He arrives 10 minutes later with Christina and meredith behind him I was almost dozing off I cansee meredith laughing at Christina Alex jogs over to me and pulls me up off the chair I was sat in." Let's go" He says puting his a over my shoulder in a brotherly way ." Can we get pizza,  I haven't eaten all day" I say doing puppy eyes. " sure we can" He says as we get in his car.

We get pizza and we go back to merediths house " do you want to watch a film" Alex says hanging me a bottle of water," sure I have the day off tomorrow anyway"i respond. We go into the living room where thankfully meredith wasn't." What to you want to watch " Alex asks me,"umm we could watch, Lord of the rings"i suggest.

About half way through the film I fall asleep laying my head on Alex's shoulder he pauses the film and carries me up to bed " is she okay" meredith asks, " she's fine but you are an ass you know that " He responds protectively
" you could have stuck up for her " He continues.
I wake up to multiple noises that I did not need to hear at 1 in the morning my room is right in the middle of lexies and merediths and the noises were coming from both directions. I get up and go to Alex's room and knock on the door."can I come in" I say quietly." Yeh come on in baby grey " He says in response.

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