oh well

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I wake up and rush to get ready as I was already running late so was lexie.

We run to get in the car which she was taking mine as I hadn't driven it yet as I don't have a license yet.
I yawn as we get closer to the hospital and my eyes start to feel heavy."Hey, you can't sleep yet, we have a 48 hour shift," lexie says prodigy my arm.
" fine I'll sleep later when I get a break" I say looking out the window and watching the building pass by.


" greys your late" Yang says as we sneak into a patients room," and your on Shepherds seveice little grey, baby grey your on peds," she says not looking up from her chart," well don't just stand there go, go, go" She continues.

" I'll see you later ok" lexie says pressing a kiss onto my forehead.
"Love you, see you in a bit " I yell after her.


I have been in peds for about half of the day which is great as arizona and I get to save tiny humans.i had scrubbed in and it was great. As I walk through the hospital my hand gets grabbed I go to scream but I get spun around, to see its rider," what are you doing here, shouldn't you be at school" I say hitting his chest.
" Hey that's no way to great me and I'm on lunch so I thought I would come see you" He says pulling my hands away from his chest.
"Come on,let's go grab food" I say dragging him behind me.
We arrive at the canteen and I see meredith and her freinds sat at one table and lexie and hers at another although lexie seemed sad as she had her head down on the table with her food barely touched.
" Hey could you find us a table, I need to check on lexie" I say releasing his hand.
" yep, I'll see you in a minute" He says kissing my cheek.
I walk over to lexie and slide into the seat next to her and start to rub her back ignoring all of the other interns.
" you ok lex" I say quietly
" no" she mopes
" what happend" I wisper as I didn't want everyone to here me
" I had to turn a patient off today and there husband wasn't very happy about it, he said we would regret it" lexie sobs moving closer to me.
" riders here, would it make you feel better if you could interrogate him" I say standing up and holding out my hand.
She nods and follows me to my table.
" right I'm going to leave you to it, as I have just been paged 911" I say hurrying off to the peds floor.


" hi I'm lexie, lilys sister I'm usually nice but for the next five minutes I will not be" Lexie states in the direction of rider before glancing around and seeing meredith walking towards them.
" crap" lexie mumbles to her self.
"Right 1st question, how old are you," lexie continues.
" 16...16 and a half" rider stutters as he gets death stares of meredith who was still making her way towards the two of them.
" Ok, where are you from?"lexie demands.
" Seattle, born and raised" He says making some weird arm movements and then looking at his watch, he stands up with a look of panic,"I'm running late I have to get back to my school but it was nice meeting you and don't worry I won't hurt her I promise " he continues before grabbing his coat then jogging out of the hospital.
" Who's that, I don't say no one" meredith orders from behind lexie.
" it's one of lily's freinds" lexie mumbles.
" you and I both know lexie that lily doesn't have freinds her own age, unless it's that boy that hung out with her after her surgery" meredith says pretending to think about it.
" yes it was him, he came to have lunch with her but she got pulled away ok, plus she's not grounded anymore, she told me where she was" lexie says standing up to leave.
" where was she" meredith yells in a demanding way.
" I'm not telling you because it's not your business, just leave it alone ok, she will tell you when she wants to" lexie says before swiftly leaving the room.


As I am walking through the halls of setting Grace mercy West, I see lots of people arguing I choose to ignore it and swiftly arrive at my patient but as it  turned out that they only paged me to pronounce them dead," time of death 1:27 pm" I say before leaving the room.

"Baby grey, hello earth to baby grey" arizona says waving a hand infront of my face.
" hmm, oh sorry I was just thinking" I say still mildly lost in thought.
" what about," arizona asks.
" you know that baby you let me lead on, well I just had to pronounce him dead he wasn't even a day old" I sigh think about his parents must be feeling.
" when's your shift over" arizona says grabing my arm and pulling me to the or bored.
" not for another 32 hours," I sigh and see my name on the board.
" good as you have a surgery in 10 minutes, yang will be there as it is a cardio case but you are going to do it the case is a coarctation of the aorta, and yang has decided that we will do Left subclavian flap angioplasty." Arizona says smiling at me.
" I'm a first year isn't this a bit complicated for me, I mean has yang even down this by her self" I say panicked.
" hann will be there too don't worry, you be great I watched you last surgery you lead" arizona say rubbing my shoulder to comfort me.
" I mean I should hope so you were in there" I laugh.
" I ment the one before, now let's go get scrubbed" she says pushing me down the corridor.


" baby grey, wait up" Yang yells after me," you did amazingly in there I'm impressed, you could have a future In cardio, good job but go get some rest you look dead" Yang says patting my back.
" well Dr yang I quite good at looking dead, alive however, I'm not so good at that" I laugh before stumbling into an on call room.

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