Chapter 8 "White Fang[3]" & "Masked"

Start from the beginning

You looked over at Raven and saw her deflect the attack from the dagger on his right.

She'd go to counterattack with a downward slash that'd hit him in the chest before the blade could reach Decker had unleashed an attack with his left dagger slashing near the right side of Raven's face with the dagger.

Raven pulled her head back, narrowly avoiding the attack.

'I have to watch both attacks...' She thought.

'She probably thinks she can watch both attacks, then counter-attack that could work, but Decker is fast there is a chance he could end up getting a rhythm with his attacks and not allow her an opening for a counterattack.'

Neopolitan thrusted her weapon towards the left side of your face, and you'd parry the blow by holding your sword vertically and allowing the sword end of her weapon to be deflected off your blade.

With your right leg, you inched it forward and sliced downward on her chest.

She'd leap back.

"Not so sure you'd rather fight me than her now, eh?"

Raven blocked both blows from Decker's daggers and would take a step back.

Glancing down at her feet, she noticed how on the defensive she was.

'He's just been backing me up with continuous attacks.'

Decker would go for another attack, this one coming from the left.

Raven stepped forward and pushed Decker in the center of his chest, causing him to stumble back.

His continuous attacks had disrupted his sense of balance. He had been so offensive his defense had faltered.


Raven slashed through him, but he teleported behind her with two swift upward arc attacks in the center of her back.

'Damn... He's slippery.'

"Raven!" Raven turned and saw you sprinting towards her with Neopolitan following behind you.


"Player swap!"


Raven dashed past you and clashed blades with Neo.

"Neopolitan. We meet again."

Neopolitan gave a wry smile.

You and Decker would clash.

"You won't be able to get away from me. No matter how far you teleport, I'll reach you. Because you'll still be within' blade's reach."

'It's not like Raven couldn't handle him in terms of physical aspect, but his teleportation makes him much more slippery and annoying to deal with. She can handle Neopolitan while I take care of him.'

You kicked Decker in the abdomen, making him slide back.

He'd skid to a stop.

"Let's go, you bastard!" Decker shouted.

You smirked. "Alright."

With the sword in your right hand, you'd raise your right hand and instantly slash downward.

The slash scuffed the ground, stopping right before Decker's feet.

"I thought that'd reach. Well..."

You dashed at Decker's swiftly with your sword at your left hip before Decker had the chance to teleport away. You diagonally slashed across his chest.

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