phase two, chapter seven: why do people always lie?

Start from the beginning

Athena smiled innocently. "Sorry." She lightly shrugged her shoulders. She made a move to get away from the wall and walk in the direction they were before, but Peter grabbed her shoulders and shoved her back. Her spine hit the brick harshly and she tensed. Immediately, her playful expression had turned into the one Peter was wearing. She shoved him away from her by the shoulders, Peter's feet stumbling back and he stared at her in rage with a hint of pride. She flipped the two so he was the one against the wall. Her arm went to his neck, her body trapping him in her once position.

"Are you forgetting I'm the one who can snap your neck like," She snapped her fingers right beside his face. He stared back at her, yet stayed still. "That."

She then observed his messy clothing and straightened his collar, sending him a sickly sweet smile before walking away. Peter threw his head back against the wall, watching her closely from the corner of his eye. Athena then stopped in her tracks at the end of the hallway, turning around to face him.

"Are you coming, or what?"

Peter nodded slowly, almost as if it pained him to submit to her. She smiled broadly at the pure pained expression on his face before skipping away. The blonde orderly shook his head and rolled his eyes at her giddy figure before following her.

"So, where are we going?" Athena asked for the fiftieth time as they walked to some unknown room in the lab she had no idea existed. Peter's jaw clenched and unclenched as he ignored her and looked away, trying to keep his anger at bay. Athena scoffed at him and crossed her arms childishly.

The girl sighed consistently, just to annoy him. It worked, as he sighed in annoyance and ignored her the rest of the walk.

A snicker escaped her as she watched him angrily sigh and mess with his hair and fingers in an attempt to stay calm. She was thoroughly enjoying this, she concluded after snickering for a third time at Peter's aggravated expression.

Messing with him by teasing his clothes, claiming he didn't "iron them today," Peter suddenly grabbed her and shoved her against the wall.

"I have had just enough with you." He angrily growled, his finger pointing at her. Athena raised her eyebrows and smiled sarcastically.

"Glad we're on the same page, then!"

His eyebrows furrowed angrily as she leaned towards him, their bodies mere centimeters apart. Her lips grazed his ear, a shiver wracking his body.

"I affect you so much, it's hilarious." She whispered into his ear seductively, making sure her words echoed in his ear. A tint of pink littered Peter's cheeks and Athena wasn't sure it was because he was angry or flustered.

Either way, she was okay with it. A proud smile rested on her face as she leaned back against the wall, away from his body. Peter's hands suddenly gripped onto her waist, tightly squeezing her hips. Almost instantly, Athena's head shot up to look at him.

Confusion swam in her eyes as Peter suddenly leaned towards her, his hot breath fanning over her rosy cheeks, leaving them burning. 

"I love the effect I have on you." He whispered in her ear, repeating the words she said earlier. His lips grazed her earlobe, causing an involuntary shiver from the girl. With a smirk on his stupidly attractive face, he backed away from her, stepping in front of the closed doors. His hands wrapped around the cold metal handles as he pulled them towards him. He strayed to the side of one of the doors, holding it open for her. Athena scowled at him and purposely hit his shoulder after walking past him. A tiny grunt escaped him at the force of the push before he walked up behind her, the door slamming shut behind them. Peter sent her a tiny glare and she smiled, her eyes bright.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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