How unfortunate

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Arthur Pov:

Phantom and Papinah stood in front of a glowing portal as papinah vibrated in excitement.

Phantom: So Sis do you think you are ready to leave this place?

Papinah clings to her brother's arm eagerly, ready to leave the white void.

Papinah: Heck, yes I am!

Phantom: Alright Sis but before we depart I have one mandatory rule when we're in an Au.

Papinah: Don’t piss anyone off?

Phantom gave a thoughtful look for a split second before laughing.

Phantom: Okay maybe two rules, but the most relevant one is to stay close to me. But the Undertale multiverse is a really big place and you could easily get lost. And probably piss off a god or powerful being.

Papinah: We both know you're the one who will do something like that, brother. But if it helps you feel better I'll hold your hand to make you feel safe.

Phantom: Ha ha very funny Papinah.

And with that agreement the two siblings were off, the portal transporting them to an Au. Phantom had made a metal note to teach his sister how to make her own portals.

Phantom Pov

Despite the fact that I wasn't sure what kind of Au we were in, it appears to be part of a snowy scene. I noticed my sister hadn't said anything yet. I was about to turn around to see if she was okay when I heard a voice. I looked at where the voice came from to find it was swap sans.

Swap!sans: Hello there other me! What's your name and what brings you to my Au!

I float up off the ground to a tree branch nearby and look down at the underswap sans with a Cheshire Cat grin.

Phantom: The name is Phantom. I'm just here with my lil'sis checking out Au's.

Swap sans gave a confused face looking around him.

Swap sans: Your sister? Where is she?

Phantom: What do you mean by that? She's right here.

Swap sans: Right where?

Phantom: Right hereeeeeeee-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

As I turned my face to my sister to see she was nowhere to be found, I proceeded to scream. Looks like the ‘stay close’ rule went out the window.

Swap Sans: Uh, are you okay Phantom?

Phantom: NO! NO I AM NOT OKAY!

Author pov

Another skeleton entered the conversation, hearing the scream from his direction. The skeleton was surprised to see a confused sans and another panicking skeleton on a tree breach.

Swap papyrus: Is there something wrong? Oh hey, Sans.

Just before swap sans was able to comment on what was up with Phantom. Papyrus was pulled face to face with the skeleton's arms, which were now in a tight grip due to said skeleton grabbing him.


Swap Papyrus: sis-wha?


Letting go of swap papyrus and phantom floating up about his sister's height.


Before either of the swap brothers could respond, Phantom rocketed off into another portal.

(Meanwhile, with Papinah)

Arthur pov

Papinah found herself lying in the snow next to a security stand missing her glasses. Without her glasses she couldn't see anything.

Papinah: Oh no! My glasses. I can't see anything without my glasses.

As Papanah felt around the snow for them, she heard a voice.

Sans: Hey kid I see you've made quite a spectacle of yourself.

Papinah took her glasses from Sans as she put them back on her face. Papinah got up off the ground and brushed the snow off her clothes.

Papinah: Thank you very much! I didn't know what I would do without my glasses.

Sans: It's snow problem kid. I'm happy to help. So what is your name?

Papinah: My name is Papinah and I'm so happy to meet you!

Sans: Heh Its ice to meet you to kid. So what's brought you here?

Papinah: Oh! Me and my brother. Wait, Brother! Where did he go?!

Sans: No one else is here but you kiddo.

Papinah: Oh no what am I going to do!?

Sans: Hey now don't get your head in a blend. You can stay with me and my brother until your brother shows up for you, I'm sure your brother is looking for you. By to way the name sans. Sans the skeleton.

Papinah: Thank you sans.

Unknown to Papinah, the short skeleton found out she was a papyrus. He guessed she accident ending here by mistake and her sans is probably looking for her right now. So he decided to take care of her until then.

Sans: Papinah take my hand. I know a shortcut.

(Back with Phantom)

Phantom searches for his sister in a different Au. Running around crazy as monsters watch him.

Phantom: Papinah? Where are you honey? Big brother wants to go home and get dr- I mean go to sleep! Has anyone seen my sister? Oh god SIS!? WHERE ARE YOU!?

Phantom yelled while picking up a random monster. Causing several monsters that weren't familiar with him and his bullshit had them freak the fuck out.


Soon Phantom opened another portal, as he took papyrus from the underfell and landed in underlust, scaring the inhabitants.

Phantom: That brother adrenaline is kicking in! PAPINAH!?!”

Lust sans: D-did he just say ‘brother adrenaline? And isn't that Red Brother?

This is loud enough for everyone to hear it. Before the inhabitants were able to question what was happening, phantom threw Underfell papyrus at them. It was impossible for them to escape the papyrus since he flew at their heads.

Underfell papyrus: YOU PIECE OF SH...

Before fell papyrus could finish his sentence phantom jumped portals again. He ended up at the Star Sanses base.


Dream: What the!

Dream jumped  back scared out of his mind holding his hand to his chest.

Dream: What?! Who are you!?


Phantom yelled in dream face. When the panicked skeleton had no answer, he crashed through the wall as he continued his rampage.

(Meanwhile at the halls of justice! I...I mean Nightmare castle)

Nightmare sits down in his comfy chair sipping his cup of coffee while reading his favorite book. Having peace and quiet makes him feel nice and relaxed. Soon that peace was broken by a phantom crashing through his base taking Nightmare coffee. Nightmare coffee was consumed by Phantom. He soon spit it out onto the floor.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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